Page 6 - AAA JUNE - JULY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 6

        s P e C i AL  re P or t   P A ris  A irs H o W

        Ready for Take-Off

        The stakes are high for Airbus and Boeing in the battle for twin-aisle supremacy
        By Geoffrey Thomas

        tHe HigH vALue HigH YieLd Wide-bodY   Dreamliner introduction early in calendar ’18.” It  Widebody Demand
        airliner stakes are at a fascinating space as   said that QAN has disclosed that Melbourne/  Of greatest concern to Airbus and Boeing
        the industry gathers for the 2017 Paris Air   Perth/ London will be the first route for its   is that very large widebody demand has
        Show at Le Bourget. Both Boeing and Airbus   787-900s, with benefits of the 787 being 35   sunk to almost terminal levels. According
        are feeling the effects of a slowing in demand   per cent more fuel efficient than the current   to the Centre for Aviation “the A380 and
        but their offerings promised unprecedented   A380 on a per seat basis.  Qantas A380s seat   Boeing 747-8 have won only a net 37 orders
        economy and performance which take the   484 while the Boeing 787-9 will seat just 236.  in the last three years. A380 output has been
        industry to a new level. Almost every offering   It added that the “Dreamliner could make   halved to one per month, and may fall even
        in the twin-engine stakes delivers 20 plus per   a material impact to International, which   lower given the dearth of orders, and 747-8
        cent fuel burn savings alone not to mention   we see as a structurally difficult market for   production is now at 0.5 aircraft per month,
        the quantum leap in maintenance costs.   QAN.” Qantas also told analysts that the 787-  under subsistence level for either program.”
           An excellent snap shot of that is data   9 would deliver a 50 per cent maintenance   Interestingly the 747-8 is outselling the A380
        provided by Australia’s Qantas on its new   cost advantage over the Boeing 747-400. By   - albeit for freighters.  To try and breathe
        Boeing 787-9 vs its A380 operation. Bank   any measure these numbers are exciting and   life  into  the  A380  programme  Airbus  has
        of America Merrill Lynch has moved its   are what reductions in airfares and airline   announced a program to add 80 more seats
        rating from neutral to buy on the back of the   profitability are all about.  The Airbus A350,   to the super jumbo that includes 11-abreast
        performance of the 787-9. Specifically, BOA   A330neo, 787, and 777X are the future of mass   economy seating.  Released at the Aircraft
        said the 787 is a “game changer’’ and added   travel but each manufacturer has challenges   Interiors Expo in Hamburg the new package
        “we upgrade QAN to Buy from Neutral on the   to overcome both to production and long-  would allow airlines to carry 575 passengers
        back of benefits that could flow from QAN’s   term strategy.            in a four-class configuration.  It includes new
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