Page 34 - AAA JULY-AUGUST 2012 Online Magazine
P. 34



                                                                                More spanners!
                                                                                The  Civil  Aviation  Authority  of
                                                                                Singapore (CAAS) is to cut the current
                                                                                four-year aircraft maintenance engineers
                                                                                (AME)  apprenticeship  programme  to  a
                                                                                three-year  programme  to  help  boost
                                                                                numbers.  At  present,  Institute  of
                                                                                Higher  Learning  graduates  who
                                                                                want a job must get a CAAS aircraft
                                                                                maintenance   licence   -   through
                                                                                an  MRO  employer  -  first.  The  new
                                                                                courses  will  allow  students  to
                                                                                count  some  of  the  basic  aircraft
                                                                                maintenance training as part of their
                                                                                aerospace  curriculum,  accumulating
                                                                                maintenance  training  hours  towards
                                                                                the  final  CAAS  aircraft  maintenance
          Going Dutch                                                           licence.  Temasek  Polytechnic  is  to
          Jakarta  Aviation  Training  Centre  (JATC)  has  signed  a  deal  with  Stella  Aviation   be the first Singapore establishment
          Academy  International  in  the  Netherlands  to  supply  type  rating  training  on   to incorporate the new basic training
          the  Boeing  737  and  Airbus  A320  for  Indonesian  airlines.  The  contract  involves   regime  into  its  engineering  and
          training for airlines like Garuda, Citilink and Lion Air and will bring EASA training   electronics curricula.
          to  Indonesia.  JATC,  a  joint  venture  of  SIM  Industries,  Lockheed  Martin  and  an
          Indonesian partner, chose Stella Aviation to “enhance the standards of aviation
          training in the rapidly expanding Indonesian market, and bring it in line with those
          of Europe,” it said in a statement. “This  is an important step for JATC, and the
          wider Indonesian training market as a whole,” said Andrew Chalmers, Managing
          Director of JATC. Initial training will be performed by Dutch instructors.

                                                                                Irkut gears up

                                                                                Irkut   Corporation   has   selected
                                                                                Short  Brothers  PLC,  a  subsidiary
                                                                                of  Bombardier  Aerospace,  as  the
                                                                                exclusive  nacelle  provider  for  the
                                                                                PW1400G  geared  turbofan  engine
                                                                                family. This means the Pratt & Whitney
                                                                                PurePower® PW1400G engine will be
                                                                                the only  Western engine specified on
                                                                                Irkut’s  MC-21  narrow-body  aircraft.
                                                                                Irkut plans to make the first flights of
          Sukhoi Crash Recorder Found                                           the  150  to  210-passenger  aircraft  in
          Indonesian military search teams  have   The  black  box  apparently  tumbled   2015, with first live deliveries in 2017.
          found the “black box” from the downed   down the mountain into a ravine below   “We are proud to offer [the PW1400G]
          Sukhoi  Superjet  100  on  the  slopes  of   the  main  wreckage,  and  attempts  to   on  our  MC-21  family,”  said  Alexey  I.
          Mt. Salak in Indonesia. The team, led by     locate it earlier were hampered by the   Fedorov, president, Irkut Corporation.
          operation chief Ketut Purwa, reported   non-functioning  of  it’s  locator  beacon.   “Lowering  fuel  costs  is  good  for
          that  the  recorder  was  mainly  intact,   The  Sukhoi,  which  slammed  into  the   airline  customers,  and  reducing  the
          and  was  being  send  for  data  analysis   mountain on May 9, had 45 passengers   environmental  impact  of  commercial
          by  Indonesian  and  Russian  experts.   and crew on board. All were killed.     aviation is good for everyone.”

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