Page 31 - AAA MARCH-APRIL 2012 Online Magazine
P. 31


        WhO’S buyINg WhAT

                                                                                SINO-AfRICAN ETIhAd

                                                                                Etihad  Airways  is  aiming  to  expand  into
                                                                                China, offering Africa flights as a sweetener.
                                                                                Described  as  “critically  important”,  the
                                                                                airlines’ new route to Nairobi – and planned
                                                                                extensions  to  both  cargo  and  pax  flights
                                                                                to  Nigeria  –  will  help  increase  numbers
                                                                                between East Africa and Asia. “We expect to
                                                                                see strong loads (from Africa) to China,” said
                                                                                James Hogan, Etihad CEO.

        WINgS AIR buyS                      to  Sumatra  and  Kalimantan.  Pak  Rusdi   MERPATI gOES SINA
                                            Kirana, Wings Air Chairman, said the ATRs
        ATR 72-600S                         will play a major role in the development   PT  Merpati  Nusantara  Airlines  (MNA),
                                            of  aviation  services  across  Indonesia,   Indonesia’s  state-run  airline,  plans  to
        Indonesia’s  Lion  Air  has  made  more   offering  new  routes  at  low  rates  to  an   expand its fleet up to 75 planes over the
        ripples  with  its  latest  record-breaking   increasing  part  of  the  population.  “With   next  five  years  with  ARJ  21-700s  from
        signing.  Subsidiary  Wings  Air’s  recent   the ATRs, Wings Air is also contributing to   China’s  COMAC.  The  two  organisations
        order for ATR 72-600s, taking its fleet to   develop business opportunities … and to   signed an MOU for purchase of 40 ARJ 21-
        60 in total, makes it the largest operator   develop tourism in regions like Java, Bali   700 planes, and MNA President Director
        of ATRs in the world. Made up of 20 ATR   and Nusantagara,” he said. Kirana added   Sarjono  Djony  Tjitrokusumo  explained
        72-500s and 40 ATR 72-600s, Wings Air’s   the  ATRs  are  perfectly  adapted  to  the   that  delivery  of  the  planes  is  scheduled
        fleet will reach full strength by the end of   Indonesian short-haul market and allow   to  commence  in  2014  through  2017.
        2015. The US$610 million deal will expand   Wings Air to: “connect communities, even   Ten  are  expected  to  be  delivered  each
        its  domestic  routes  across  the  country   in  remote  areas  as  well  as  contributing   year.  The  100-passenger  aircraft  cost
        from  Ambon  to  Sulawesi  and  Papua.   to  the  preservation  of  the  environment   US$30million each, and are to be built by
        Plans are in hand to develop new routes   thanks to their very low CO2 emissions.”  AVIC  International  Holding  Corporation/
                                                                                Commercial  Aircraft  Corporation  of
                                                                                China.  Part  of  the  contract  stipulates
                                                                                that  the  Indonesian  aviation  industry,
                                                                                PT  Dirgantara  Indonesia  (PTDI),  would
                                                                                fit  local  components  during  the  plane’s
                                                                                final  build  stages.  Financing  is  through
                                                                                Chinese financers.

                                                                                AIRShOW fLIES hIgh

                                                                                Singapore  Airshow  defied  talk  of  a
                                                                                slowdown  in  the  industry  and  region,
                                                                                with a record attendance for the February
        AIR ASTANA uPS bOEINg fLEET                                             industry  bonanza.  “Singapore  Airshow
        Representing  the  single  largest  order  for   Air  Astana.  Boeing  is  feeling  fuzzy   2012  has  been  a  success  for  everyone,”
        commercial  airplanes  in  Kazakhstan,  flag   about  the  deal  too,  according  to  Marty   asserted  Jimmy  Lau,  Managing  Director
        carrier Air Astana has placed an order for   Bentrott, vice president of sales for Middle   of  Experia  Events,  organiser.  Despite
        four Boeing 767-300ERs and three Boeing   East,  Russia  and  Central  Asia,  Boeing   some hassles with entrance routing and
        787-8s. The order is valued at US$1.3billion   Commercial Airplanes. “We are extremely   a labyrinthine exhibition floor plan, some
        at current list, making this the largest order   pleased  that  Air  Astana  has  partnered   145,000  visitors  and  attendees  passed
        for  commercial  aircraft  in  Kazakhstan’s   with Boeing to participate in the region’s   through  the  well-manned  security  gates
        history. “Our decision to order the Boeings   growing  air  transport  market.  We  are   over the six days. “We set a new record for
        is  part  of  Air  Astana’s  long-term  growth   confident that both the 767-300ER and the   the value of deals,” added Lau. He noted
        strategy  to  expand  and  modernize  our   787 Dreamliner will play an important role   that over 70% of exhibitors have already
        fleet  with  newer,  more  fuel-efficient   as Air Astana continues with its expansion   booked  for  next  year’s  event,  which  will
        airplanes,”  said  Peter  Foster,  president,   plans,” he asserted.    run from  11-16 February 2014.
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