Page 23 - AAA NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2012 Online Magazine
P. 23
pilot of vast experience), recognises that the aviation industry coming together
tomorrow’s pilots don’t want lectures and as a whole,” warns bellitto. he says that
saluting – they just want to learn, and fast. competing airlines and countries need
which can bring problems of its own. to keep talking to each other about the
“students [need to] do training issue. “it’s something we all recognise as
online, and have an instructor available a problem,” he says. “we’re ahead of the
by telephone or email. younger students curve talking about it; we need to come
want to be able to pull information, not up with the correct solutions in a timely
have it pushed to them,” he says. “we manner. but if we stay where we are,
need to acknowledge the digital age we won’t get there.”
we’re in and teach that way. students yet, despite outsourcing, new
retain the information better, process technologies and ipads, Asia has its own
it better, and quite honestly the fidelity specific set of challenges, says bellitto.
is better,” he adds. “For example, in our he points out that language issues are
787 maintenance training, each student a potential problem in Asia, given the
receives a backpack with a tablet pC, extremely high levels of proficiency
headphones, a mouse and a flash drive. required to operate modern aircraft. At
when they leave, instead of getting a stack CAe, says Frederick, level 4 iCAo Aviation
Bob Bellitto, Boeing Flight of books, they get all materials on a flash english language (Ael) proficiency is an
Services Global Sales Director drive that they can put in their pocket.” absolute requirement for their Multi-Crew
not a set of flight manuals and a bunch of pilot licence (Mpl) training programmes.
“seat-of-the-pants” advice. “we have found that integrating Ael
even using new methods, new throughout the curriculum everyday
approaches and new equipment, Asia makes a significant difference in
could still see a shortfall in the number comprehension,” he adds.
of adequately trained pilots over coming l-3 link’s Genna is a little more
years. “This is an industry issue, and specific about the challenges facing
can only be solved by all elements of trainee pilots in Asia. “There have been