Page 15 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2013 Online Magazine
P. 15


           Indeed, such are the possible rewards   now offer full circle aircraft ownership   ABOVE LEFT: Mykolas D. Rambus,
        that potential China operators want both   support  to China’s business aviation   CEO of Wealth-X, predicts that the
        IP and FDI from partners, but global   community,” he noted. “This is generating   number of private aircraft owners
        corporations are still reluctant to plunge   new levels of confidence in the ease of   in China will double in 2013, due
        in given a few major failures following   operating  a  business  aircraft  in  China   to the private jet’s popularity as a
        establishment-backed competition that   –  confidence which  is reflected in truly   symbol of status
        sprang up following a JV start-up – like   remarkable growth figures,” he added.   ABOVE RIGHT: Shanghai Hawker
                                                                                 Pacific Business Aviation Service
        Deer  Jet,  which  established  a  business                              Centre, the result of a joint venture
        jet service base in 2008 in Beijing to cater   Way to go                 between Hawker Pacific and the
        to the Beijing Olympics. Due to strong   Nonetheless, despite some issues with   Shanghai Airport Authority
        and heavily promoted competition from   positioning in both the market and within
        Beijing Capital International Airport it   the business hierarchy that still exists in
        closed shop not long after.         China, there are plenty of green signals for
           However, taking a less-competitive   the industry. According to industry analyst
        line can be very fruitful. A deal between   Mykolas  D.  Rambus,  CEO  at  Wealth-X,
        Hawker Pacific and the Shanghai Airport   2013 is set to be a prosperous year for
        Authority to set up a JV MRO facility in   the Chinese rich-list. “In particular, we
        the Shanghai Hawker Pacific Business   expect to see the private jet industry take
        Aviation Service Centre (SHPBASC) has   off due to the surge in demand for private
        been highly successful, with 100+%   aircraft as new status symbols,” he said.
        growth year on year. Carey Matthews, GM   He predicted private aircraft owners
        at SHPBASC, said that timing was crucial,   would double to over 150 – still less than
        with the facility set up just in time for the   1% of private jet ownership in the US –
        Shanghai World Exposition.          illustrative of the potential for growth.
           “Our significant investment in capital   Indeed, in an interview with the China
        and personnel at both our FBO and MRO   Daily, Du Jianyu, VP at Beijing-based Big
        facilities means that for the first time we   White Bear Jet Co., was confident the

          PRC OPERATORS FLEET SIzE                 LOCAL BIzJETS?
          Year End 2012                            According to the Asian Sky Group report that was recently released,
                                                   there are 336 business jets registered in China and Hong Kong at the
          Bombardier 97             Cessna 33      end of 2012, with 191 based in mainland China. Two makers dominated:
                                                   Gulfstream and Bombardier, with a total of 219 aircraft – or 65% of the
                                                   fleet. “I don’t think China will have the ability to make business jets
                                      Hawker Pacific 27  independently in 20 years, but there is huge room for doing operations
            Falcon 20                              business,” commented Du Jianyu, VP of Beijing-based Big White Bear
                                      Embraer 8    Jet Co. This indicates that Chinese companies can potentially do well
                                    Airbus 18      if they stick to applying for flight routes, MRO and FBO set-ups, with or
           Gulfstream 122         Boeing 11        without links to foreign operators.

                    WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM                                 MARCH / APRIL 2013  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  15
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