Page 16 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2013 Online Magazine
P. 16



        The Way Ahead?

        Or Heading for Problems?

         When Boeing decided to build its new 787 Dreamliner, it proudly boasted many
         firsts. It was the first airliner to use a majority of composite materials in fuselage
         construction, the first Boeing to offer luxury cabin comfort levels in all classes, the
         first to use large-scale electronic servicing and control systems, and the first to
         make use of extensive outsourcing

        WhIlE ThE FIRST ITEmS ON ThE lIST ARE   questions about the management of  care and diligence
        all definite bonuses for the new flagship,   its outsourcing process, but denied   “The increase in outsourcing may have
        the last is much more debatable. Although   that Boeing’s management of its 787   reduced the costs of some components,
        issues that have plagued its battery   subcontractors was deficient.   but this cost has been more than offset by
        systems have made headlines in recent   “Our standards and expectations   increased redesign costs and expensive
        times, the company probably suffered   for  design,  production,  quality,  and   delays,” says Dr Lyda Bigelow, Assistant
        more financial stress from its decision to   performance have always been, and   Professor of Strategy at the University of
        outsource major component manufacture   remain today, as high on the 787 as they   Utah’s  David  Eccles  School  of  Business.
        – something that it had relatively little   are on any other commercial programme,”   Bigelow conducted extensive research on
        experience with, as compared to arch-  he asserted. And indeed, the Dreamliner   the pros and cons of outsourcing in the
        rival Airbus. There were grumblings from   is still looking good on the sales ledger,   manufacturing industries, and concluded
        some quarters that Boeing was jumping   the US Federal Aviation Administration   that in specific sectors with highly specialist
        too far, too soon, and didn’t have the QA   has re-certified it for flight duties, and   products and component technology,
        or project management skills to perform   planes are rolling off the production   outsourcing can bring problems. One such
        such a major and highly technical trick.   line at seven a month at press time. But   sector was the aviation industry.
           In one interview on the matter with   Boeing, and probably many other aircraft   “Boeing has indicated that it will rein
        the  Seattle  Times,  Boeing spokesman   manufacturers will have learned a difficult   in outsourcing on the next version of
        Marc Birtel declined to answer specific   lesson about outsourcing. It isn’t easy.  the Dreamliner, acknowledging that the
        16   ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  MAY / JUNE 2013                         WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM
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