Page 33 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2013 Online Magazine
P. 33


          Deer Jet launches
          China’s first fractional
          aircraft programme

          China’s Deer Jet has launched the first
          fractional aircraft programme in the   Sky Aviation operates first SSJ100 commercial flight
          country, which  it said was customised   Indonesian carrier Sky Aviation has successfully operated its Sukhoi Superjet 100
          for the Chinese customer. Describing   (SSJ100) with the tail number PK-ECL on its first commercial flight. The two-hour
          the  programme,  Hu  Lei,  GM  of  asset   flight, which was a domestic flight on a route from Makassar to Sorong, carried
          management  for  Deer  Jet,  said  it  is   67 passengers. In February, when the SSJ100 arrived in Jakarta, Sky Aviation CEO
          targeted at customers who fly between   Krisman Tarigan said, “Some airports in Indonesia have short runways implying
          100  to  300  hours  per  year.  Fractional-  certain restrictions for aircraft […] SSJ100 will fit these peculiarities as it can land
          share contract terms will span five years,   to runways which are less than 1,800 metres.” The next delivery of SSJ100 to Sky
          after which Deer Jet will buy back the   Aviation is scheduled for Q2 2013.
          shares at current market prices. “As the
          largest aircraft charter company in Asia
          and the first to do aircraft management
          in  China,  it  is  our  responsibility  to
          create a fractional share product here,”
          Hu said to press. “We also believe it
          is the right time to offer this type of
          programme in China.”

          Embraer says Legacy
          500 and 450 on-track

          Embraer Executive Jets has announced
          that the Legacy 500 is on-track to enter
          service in the first half of 2014. Three
          prototypes are currently being flown
          in a flight test certification campaign.
          Ernest Edwards, President of Embraer
          Executive Jets commented, “Testing
          to validate all system and interior   Gulfstream Beijing’s business booming
          components is proceeding well. After   Gulfstream Aerospace  has observed   has been very positive. They appreciate
          some 150 hours of test flights, we are   steady, rapid growth for Gulfstream   us being here and the high standard
          pleased with the results.” According   Beijing, its new service centre that   of  work  we  perform,” he  added.
          to the company, development of the   opened in November 2012. According   Gulfstream Beijing, sited at Beijing
          Legacy 450 is also proceeding in a   to Mark Burns, President of Gulfstream   Capital International Airport, is a joint
          timely  manner,  with  the  first  flight   Product Support, the technical staff   venture between Gulfstream and two
          expected  later  this  year,  and  the   have serviced more than 40 aircraft   subsidiaries of Hainan Airlines Group:
          detailed design and certification phase   since the centre began operations. “The   Hainan Aviation Technik and Beijing
          currently under way.               feedback from our customers in Asia   Capital Airlines (Deer Jet).

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