Page 14 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2014 Online Magazine
P. 14


        Fire First Responders

        Rosenbauer Panther ARFF vehicles dominate the Indian market, reports J.K. Chandra

                                            AUSTRIA    bASEd     FIREFIGhTInG   of India (AAI).  American manufacturer
                                            equipment  leader,  Rosenbauer  has  Oshkosh has been singularly unsuccessful
                                            emerged as the preferred choice for Indian   in cracking the Indian market, managing
                                            airports with its Panther 6x6 Airfield Crash   an order for only two Oshkosh Striker
                                            Fire Tender (ACFT). It has received orders   3000 Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting
                                            for more than 110 Panther 6x6 and 8x8   (ARFF) vehicles from Chhatrapati Shivaji
                                            ACFT’s, since 2005. With India upgrading   International Airport (CSIA) in Mumbai.
                                            a large number of airports along with   The 2009 order for two identically
                                            creation of new Greenfield airports, it will   equipped Strikers, for which deliveries
                                            remain a key market for Rosenbauer in   were completed in 2010, has been the
                                            the future along with China, in the Asia   company’s  only  success  in  the  Indian
                                            region. The specialist Austrian firefighting   subcontinent till date.
                                            company, has cornered the market for   While New Delhi’s Indira Gandhi
                                            highly specialised firefighting vehicles in   International Airport operates ten Panther
                                            India and China.  The rest of the market   6x6 ACFT’s, the others are in operation
                                            in both countries “Is dominated by low-  at international airports  in  Bengaluru,
                                            priced municipal vehicles with little   Hyderabad, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai,
                                            or no claim to quality or technological   Trivandrum and Nanded to name a few.
                                            sophistication”, says Rosenbauer.   Bangalore International Airport Limited
        Rosenbauer Panther 6x6                 Approximately 220 airfield crash fire   (BIAL)  has  been  operating  four  Panther
        ARFF vehicle at Kempegowda          tenders are in use across airports in India,   6x6 ACFT’s since 2007, to meet the
        International Airport in            with the Panther and fire tenders based on   required level of protection for the airport
        Bengaluru with roof mounted         Czech  TATRA  platforms,  being  the  main   (as per ICAO Annex 14, Chapter-9). BIAL
        FLIR system fitted on top right     types according to the Airports Authority   is designated as a Cat-9 airport but “We
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