Page 5 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2014 Online Magazine
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                              10            06| News

                                            10| Greening or Groaning?

                                            Despite aircraft becoming quieter and more efficient, the aviation industry
                                            is still highly visible. Noise, massive runways and non-renewable fuel usage
                                            illustrated by vapour trails are all easy targets for green critics.

         16                                 16| Regional Resurgence

                                            According to Peter Foster, president of Air Astana, the role of the regional
                                            carrier is about to change. Instead of the poor relation to the major
                                            international carriers, it seems the time is ripe for expansion.

                              22            AIRCRAFT LEASING

                                            20| To market, to market: To Buy or to


                                            The aviation business is booming. Aircraft at a few million a pop are purring
                                            out of factories across the globe – but who is paying for them? Jeremy Torr
                                            looks at the leasing business, and why it is fuelling the boom.

                              20            NAVIAGTION SySTEMS
                                            26| Highways in the Sky

                                            According to Airbus, the current doldrums afflicting the freight industry will
                                            pass, and the world will see an ever-increasing number of freighters taking off.

                                            32| India Market

                                            34| Air Show
                                            35| Rotary
          26                  12            36| Airlines

                                            37| Airports

                                            38| That’s Me

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