Page 33 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2015 Online Magazine
P. 33


          Honeywell’s GX Aviation
          Inmarsat, the leading provider of
          global mobile satellite communications
          services,  and  honeywell  have    Bell Helicopter in Tokyo
          successfully  tested  over-the-air  Bell helicopter, a Textron Inc. company,     President and CEO, John Garrison said.
          performance for  honeywell’s JetWave   has opened its new Bell  helicopter   “We are proud of our history here in
          MCS 8200 onboard aircraft hardware on   Co., Ltd. office in Tokyo.  Located in   Japan, and we look forward to serving
          Inmarsat’s  Global  Xpress  (GX)  satellite   Ebisu Garden Place Tower, the new   the Japanese rotorcraft market for
          network. The successful test signifies   office is within walking distance of the   many years to come.”
          that the next generation of truly global   headquarters of long-standing business   “For the last 55 years, our licensed
          high-speed in-flight connectivity for   partner, Fuji heavy Industries.  work has been with our valued business
          passengers, airlines and operators is   “Since the establishment of Bell   partner – Fuji  heavy Industries.  We
          becoming a reality.                helicopter Co., Ltd., in January 2014, we   are proud to build upon this historical
            During  the  testing,  the  team  was   have been honoured that six commercial   relationship  as  we  pursue  new
          able to demonstrate how Inmarsat’s   customers  have  placed  their  trust  in   opportunities with Fuji and the 1,000
          high-speed; GX Aviation network can   Bell helicopter by purchasing 16 of our   Japanese companies that make up their
          support multiple file transfers and video   helicopters, and that Japan’s Ministry of   Uh-1J supply chain, to shape the future
          streaming– confirming that passengers   Defence has announced its decision to   of rotorcraft in Japan, together,” he
          will have the  same Wi-Fi  experience   procure the Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey,”   continued.
          while travelling at 40,000  feet as
          they would  on the ground.  Success
          in this  round of testing,  conducted   Strong Growth in Passenger Traffic in Asia Pacific Region
          from  honeywell’s Tewkesbury, United   Preliminary traffic figures for the month   in regional travel markets. Traffic
          Kingdom facility means Inmarsat can   of February released by the Association   growth exceeded the 8.0% expansion in
          now start the higher data rate testing.    of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) shows   available seat capacity, resulting in a 1.3
            “This is not only a milestone for the   strong growth in both international air   percentage point increase in the average
          whole GX Aviation programme, but it’s   passenger and air cargo markets.  international  passenger  load  factor to
          also a great demonstration of what GX   An aggregate total of 21.8 million   78.1% for the month, in contrast to the
          Aviation brings to the table,” said Leo   international  passengers  flew  on  general trend of slightly weaker load
          Mondale, President, Inmarsat Aviation.   the region’s carriers in February, a   factors seen over the past year.
          “We are delighted with the performance   firm  11.9%  increase  compared  to  the   International air cargo demand, as
          shown  by  this  round  of  testing.  Both   same month last year, boosted by   measured in  freight  tonne kilometres
          the  GX  network  and  honeywell’s   strong leisure travel demand during   (FTK) registered a hefty 20.5% jump in
          terminal have met and exceeded our   the Chinese New Year festive period.   February, outpacing a 12.6% increase in
          high expectations. We’re another step   Measured  in  revenue  passenger  offered freight capacity, which resulted
          closer to bringing a true broadband   kilometres  (RPK),  international  in a 4.2 percentage points increase in the
          experience to both commercial airlines   passenger demand increased by 9.9%,   average international freight load factor,
          and business aviation.”            underscoring particularly robust growth   to 65.2%.

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