Page 14 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2015 Online Magazine
P. 14


        data.                               Aero  Engines  International  GmbH,  those  impact  engine  performance  and
           At maturity, the Pratt & Whitney Geared   Japanese  Aero  Engines  Corporation  and   maintenance,” Bromberg says. “With
        Turbofan engine fleet will be generating   MTU Aero Engines.            the ability to monitor every engine, every
        more than two petabytes of data annually.   “We have  a number of development   parameter, we can actually go one step
        That is the equivalent of a new American   projects underway, and we incorporate   further. We can customise the engine
        Library of Congress every year.     learnings as we go,” Fraga says. “These   maintenance for that operator, for that
           Pratt & Whitney formalised an    programs will continue to evolve and grow   city pair, and for the way their pilots are
        agreement last year with IBM to work   over time, as we narrow our focus on   trained. That’s good for us and it’s good for
        toward better visualisation of the data   services and metrics most important to   them. The reliability will improve and the
        streams generated by its commercial   our customers.”                   cost of ownership will improve.”
        engines. IBM, which has the world’s    To incorporate both academic and
        deepest portfolio of Big Data and   industry leading expertise, Pratt &
        analytics technology, will help Pratt &   Whitney  has  expanded  its  collaborations
        Whitney broaden its current performance   to include IBM, the MIT Leaders for Global
        monitoring  capabilities.  “The  result  will   Operations, and the United Technologies
        be better value for customers, as no two   Research Center.   Projects  underway  are
        operators are the same,” Bromberg says.  looking  at optimising  Pratt & Whitney’s
           In a separate project, a similar   engine leasing business, enriching the
        predictive analytics model is being built to   shop visit allocation process across Pratt &
        support the V2500 engine fleet. V2500 is a   Whitney’s partner network, and analysing
        registered trademark of IAE International   shop visit pricing to enhance the company’s   Using data analytics
        Aero Engines  AG, a multinational  aero   predictive maintenance cost model.   to monitor engine
                                                                                performance is nothing
        engine consortium whose shareholders   “There are different climates, different   new at Pratt & Whitney,
        comprise Pratt & Whitney, Pratt & Whitney   temperatures, different air pollution, and   company executives say
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