Page 37 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2015 Online Magazine
P. 37


         Jet Aviation is CDF at Singapore
         Airshow 2016
         Singapore-based Jet Aviation  will
         be the exclusive handling agent for
         Customer   Demonstration   Flights
         (CDF) at the Singapore Airshow 2016,
         that  will  be  held  at  Changi  Exhibition
         Centre from 16-21 February 2016. “We   HSC to Repair South Korea’s Ka-32T Helicopters
         are honored to have been selected as   Russian Helicopters and South Korea’s   LG International with HSC involved as
         the exclusive handling service provider   Department of Forest Aviation have   a contractor. HSC will  undertake the
         for Customer Demonstration Flights   entered into an agreement for repair   repair work at one of the Forest Aviation
         during Singapore Airshow,” said John   of four of its Ka-32T helicopters with   Department’s technical service centers
         Riggir, vice president and general   Helicopter Service Company (HSC),   at Wonju and the work is expected to
         manager at Jet Aviation Singapore.   which handles the maintenance and   be completed  in eight months. More
         “This appointment is testament to   after-sales service of Russian-made   than 60 Ka-32s are in operation in
         our executive and VIP flight handling   helicopters. In the past such repair   South Korea, having accumulated over
         expertise and we look forward to   work was carried out by Korean firm   100,000 flight hours.
         showcasing our services with operators,
         OEMs and trip support companies
         planning to attend the event.” CDFs   Fans 1/A+ Solution Offered for Gulfstream v Operators
         will be held at Seletar Airport and Jet   Gulfstream Aerospace has received   with data link-recording ability and
         Aviation has been appointed by Experia   Federal  Aviation  Administration  (FAA)   a flight deck printer are required as
         Events to handle all CDFs at Singapore   approval to install the Future Air   part of a FANS 1/A+ installation. The
         Airshow 2016. The air show to be held   Navigation System (FANS) 1/A+ on   system makes use of automation and
         in Singapore next year will feature   Gulfstream V aircraft. “Our FANS 1/  satellite-based technology to improve
         a Business Aviation Zone, affording   A+ solution for GVs is fully integrated   aviation communication, surveillance
         a unique opportunity for the entire   with the aircraft’s flight management   and traffic management. Its benefits
         business and charter aviation industry.   system,” said Mike West, vice president,   include; reduced fuel consumption due
         Experia  Events  Managing  Director  Mr.   Product Support Sales and New Business   to shorter flight tracks, decreased pilot
         Leck Chet Lam, said, “Experia Events is   Development,  Gulfstream.  “I  can’t  workload, reduced aircraft separation
         looking to expand our client support for   emphasize the word ‘fully’ enough. The   and automatic communication of flight
         Customer Demonstration Flights with   FMS and FANS systems were developed   details to the ATC through VHF or
         an even more seamless and enhanced   and created through a unique partnership   SATCOM data link. After Jan 30th, 2020
         experience for the upcoming Airshow   between Gulfstream and Honeywell. The   airplanes that are not fitted with FANS 1/
         in February 2016. We are pleased to   engineering and flight-test efforts were   A+ equipment will not be able to operate
         appoint Jet Aviation as our exclusive   extensive to ensure we meet the needs of   in Minimum Navigation Performance
         handling partner and welcome this   our nearly 200 GV operators.”     Specification airspace. Gulfstream is
         opportunity to work with them at      A communications management     pursuing a similar  supplemental FAA
         Singapore Airshow 2016.”            unit, transceiver, cockpit voice recorder   type certificate for the GIV and GIV-SP.

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