Page 9 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2016 Online Magazine
P. 9


        has a fleet of 117 aircraft, comprising Boeing
        777-300 ERs, Airbus A330-200 / 300, Next
        Generation Boeing 737s and ATR 72-500 /
        600s.  The average age of the fleet is 7.33
        years and it owns 24 aircraft and operates
        92  on  lease.  It  has  68  B737  and  18  ATR  in
        Jet (three 600s and fifteen 500s), excluding
        JetLite and a fleet of 10 B777 and 12 A330
        (four of 330-300, eight 332s). Jet Airways will
        also start taking deliveries of the first of 75
        Boeing 737 MAX jetliners that it has on order
        from 2018. Jet Airways is well placed to grow
        its market share in the coming years and its
        partnership with Etihad will better allow it to
        weather uncertainty in the sector.

        Air India
        India’s  national  carrier  Air  India  (AI)  and
        a perennial loss maker has managed to
        make the best of low oil prices, to post an
        operating profit of US$15 million (Rs 105   be hoping for a few more years of low fuel   through the Service Bulletins/Modifications
        Crore) at the end of fiscal 2016. A revitalised   prices to help it cut losses. The price of jet   for reliability enhancement on a regular
        management that has worked hard to   fuel has dropped from US$993 (Rs 67525   basis.  These modifications are combined
        improve on-time performance and in-flight   per kl (Delhi)) in October 2014 to US$688  into Reliability Enhancement Modification
        service along with aggressive fares have   (Rs 46,826 per kl (Delhi)) in October this   Packages,” Minister of State for Civil
        allowed  the airline to  keep its  planes  full   year. AI was one of the early operators  of   Aviation, Jayant Sinha said in August. Boeing
        and reduce losses.  The result is that the   Boeing’s 787 ‘Dreamliner’ and the aircraft    teams have visited Air India’s Mumbai facility,
        struggling state-owned carrier now hopes   has proven popular and profitable on the   for accomplishment of these Reliability
        to return to profitability by 2019, instead   airline’s medium capacity long haul routes.   Enhancement Modification Packages in
        of  2021-2022.  The  airline  has  managed  to   AI’s experience with the aircraft however,   phases during following durations: Phase I
        reduce its net loss from approximately US$   has been soured by technical issues related   (From Jan. 2013 to May 2013). Phase II (From
        861 million (Rs 5859 Crore) in 2014-15 to US$   to the type. Since its induction into the Air   Nov. 2013 to Jan. 2014) and Phase III (From
        564 million (Rs 3836 Crore) in 2015-2016. AI   India fleet, the Dreamliner aircraft have   Nov. 2014 to April 2015; Nov. 2015 to Dec.
        still has huge accumulated losses to the tune   experienced technical reliability issues.   2015). AI’s plans to return to profitability
        of USD$ 6.7 billion (Rs 46,000 crore) and will   “Boeing  has been addressing  these  issues   will be impacted by intense competition
                                                                                from Indian carriers such as IndiGo and Go
                                                                                Air, which are already operating A320neos
                                                                                on domestic routes, while AI has fallen
                                                                                behind in acquiring aircraft to cater for the
                                                                                rapidly growing Indian domestic market.
                                                                                The airline has received approval to induct
                                                                                34 aircraft in two batches (19 and 15). 14
                                                                                out of the 19 aircraft from the first batch
                                                                                will  be  A320neos  which  are  being  leased
                                                                                from Kuwait based aircraft lessor ALAFCO.
                                                                                Deliveries of the NEOs are to commence
                                                                                early next year  and the  jetliners will be
                                                                                powered by CFM LEAP engines.

                            WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA                                 NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2016  ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE  9
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