Page 32 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2016 Online Magazine
P. 32

A GBP Publication
        shoW PReVieW JAPAN AEROSPACE 2016

        Japan: Preferred Aerospace Partner

        It has been a long journey since 1965, when   Yuasa/Thales, are amongst a large number of   also be in charge of the low pressure turbine
        Japan’s aviation industry commenced   companies in Japan, that are on the cutting-  components used in the Boeing 777X and are
        production of the 60 seater YS-11 twin-engine   edge of aviation technology. Japanese firms   also participating in the development of the
        turboprop aeroplane, the island nation’s first   have also benefited from international joint   PW1100G-JM.  The increasing development
        indigenous civilian aircraft. 180 of the type   development of next generation commercial   costs and risks associated  with  engine
        were eventually built and in the following   jetliners, allowing them to play a central   design, coupled with high-end Japanese
        decades, the Japanese aerospace industry   role in the development of aircraft such as   aero-engine  capability  means that it  will
        has grown to become a global powerhouse   Boeing’s 767, 777, 777X and 787 and engines   handle a greater share of development of the
        and an integral part of the international   such as  V2500,  Trent 1000, GEnx, GE9X,   next-generation of aero-engines currently
        aviation supply chain.  When one looks at   PW1100G-JM etc.             under development. Japan is also the global
        aircraft production figures by demand, the   As the fifth largest helicopter user in   leader for the carbon fiber products for
        break-up in aircraft production between the   the world, Japan has also built a strong   carbon fiber  reinforced plastic  (CFRP) and
        defence sector and civilian aircraft sector is   manufacturing and skill base for development   accounts for 70 percent of the world’s supply.
        32 percent and 48 percent respectively. The   and manufacture of fuselages, engines and   This makes Japan a key partner for next-
        heavyweight trio of the Japanese aerospace   all other helicopter components.  Japanese   generation aircraft development as the use
        industry are Mitsubishi Heavy Industries   firms will also manufacture approximately 21   of CFRP is rapidly expanding. MHI and KHI
        (MHI), Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI) and   percent of the main structural components   supply  the main-wing  box and  centre-wing
        Fuji Heavy Industries (FHI). These companies   on the new Boeing 777X and are also   box respectively for Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner,
        along with Panasonic Avionics, JAMCO,   suppliers to Airbus programmes such as the   which is made up of 50 percent composite
        Sumitomo, Bridgestone, ShinMaywa, GS   A320, A330, A350XWG and A380. They will   materials.
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