Page 25 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCOTBER 2017 Online Magazine
P. 25

                                                                                     MRO FEATURE XXXXXXXXX XXXX
                                                                                         MRO FEA

                                                                                opposite pAge: The increased use
                                                                                of composite materials in landing
                                                                                gear assemblies will not only
                                                                                reduce weight, but also provide
                                                                                benefits in terms of improved
                                                                                corrosion resistance
                                                                                leFt:  Despite their increasingly
                                                                                widespread  use,  repair  of
                                                                                composite parts is limited, as parts
                                                                                are more likely to be replaced
                                                                                with traditional  materials such as
                                                                                aluminium or titanium

        reliably examining a structure built from   Especially  the  complicated  detection  of   assembly has two braces and that the Boeing
        composite materials for damage and faults   damages and their professional repair and   787 is equipped with two such assemblies,
        that  was  commensurate  with  the  scale  and   painting procedures require very special   the weight savings are anything but
        variety of ways that they are used in modern   equipment. One of the most important   negligible. Composite materials also offer
        commercial aircraft.                examples are the autoclave ovens which are   better  corrosion  resistance,  which  keeps
           The  shift to composites  has  created  an   essential for the curing of composite parts from   maintenance work to a minimum and reduces
        opportunity to rethink the maintenance,   a certain size onwards. While smaller structures   servicing costs.  The highly sophisticated
        repair, and overhaul (MRO) operations needed   can be “cold cured” at room temperature,   technology  chosen  by  Messier-Dowty  to
        to keep aircraft in top form.       bigger components have to be heated up in an   produce these landing gear braces is 3D
           Air France Industries KLM Engineering &   autoclave at 250 or 350 degrees Fahrenheit   weaving, a specialty of Albany International,
        Maintenance (AFI KLM E&M) is pitching its   in order to gain their full strength. According   a  company  with which  Safran  has  been  in
        new  Helios  facility  at  the  Paris  Charles-de-  to the engineer, within the Lufthansa Technik   partnership for over ten years, adapting this
        Gaulle airport  to handle all types of airframe   Group, four such ovens are already in use, one in   technique to aeronautical applications.  The
        parts, with a special emphasis on composites.   Hamburg in Germany, two in Tulsa in Oklahoma   fibers are consolidated using RTM (Resin
        AFI KLM E&M is leveraging its proficiency on   and another one in Shenzhen in China. To cure   Transfer Moulding) injection. This application
        the Boeing 777 and the Airbus A380 to position   even bigger parts a new autoclave with 16 feet in   for the landing gear braces was developed by
        itself on the 787 and A350 MRO market. “The   diameter and 26 feet in length was constructed   the Messier-Dowty engineering department,
        high-tech facility packed with innovations   in Hamburg in 2009.        in particular with respect to the transition
        is  capable  of repairing  more composite                               between the yoke joint (the eye-shaped
        components on the growing fleets of Boeing  Handling Composite Parts in Landing Gear  section) and the cylindrical section.
        787s and Airbus A350s, say Helios project   The extent of composites use in aircraft    The matrix is first of all flat-woven
        manager  Laurent  Rousselle.  “The  treatment   has continued to grow. Indeed, as the   using carbon fibers then shaped prior to
        of  composite  parts  occupies  a  position  of   Boeing 787 and, more recently, the Airbus   injection of the resin under pressure. As
        choice, with a full complement of dedicated   A350 XWB, entered service, the use of   designed and managed by Messier-Dowty,
        maintenance resources. More importantly,   composites extended far beyond flaps,   with  the  technical  support  of  Boeing,  the
        the facility’s highly flexible configuration   ailerons and other control surfaces, engine   development of the material for the braces
        means it can adjust in real time to demand and   nacelles, fairings and the vertical tail, to the   is the fruit of collaboration between several
        to market requirements,” Rousselle adds.  entire forward wing structure, fuselage and   companies of the Safran group.
           Composites continue to make inroads   landing gear. Main landing gear assemblies   Lufthansa Technik’s Landing Gear Services
        on airframe and engine components, but   of the B787s are  equipped with braces   has  designed  flow-principled  workshops  and
        for  MROs  in  the  composite  structure  repair   made of composite materials. “It’s the first   provides vast in-house capabilities at its four
        business, managing the exotic carbon-fiber   time that a commercial aircraft featured   landing gear  overhaul  facilities worldwide.  To
        materials and adhesives is a challenge. “With   this  technology,”  says  Patrick  Dunleavy,   avoid ground time for repairing or overhauling
        several decades of experience in maintaining   Mechanics & Composites expert at Messier-  landing gear, a set going into overhaul is
        commercial aircraft with major composite   Dowty. The braces are the two leg struts that   immediately  replaced  by  a  spare.    Lufthansa
        components, we are the operationally proven   hold the main landing gear in place during   Technik has an exchange gear pool of hundreds
        partner for composites repair and overhaul,”   the landing and taxiing phases.  These parts   of spares – a capital-intensive service that, in
        says an engineer at the Lufthansa Technik.  were predominantly made of steel. The use   conjunction with sophisticated logistics, keeps
           The steady increase in the use of   of composite materials enables the mass   your aircraft in the sky and brings your budget
        composite  materials  holds  many  challenges   of the aircraft to be reduced significantly.   down to earth.
        for MRO-companies like Lufthansa  Technik.     Bearing  in mind  that  a main  landing  gear   During overhaul, a landing gear proceeds
                            WWW.GBP.COM.SG/AAA                                   JULY / SEPTEMBER 2017  MAINTENANCE REPAIR OVERHAUL  25
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