Page 19 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2018 Online Magazine
P. 19

Boeing and Embraer have made           WAITING GAME
        progress in their talks for a
        possible tie-up, but there is no
        official word yet on when a deal
        will be struck

           Arun Sivasankaran

                   hen Boeing and Embraer
                   confirmed in December
                   last year that they were
        Win talks regarding a pos-
        sible deal, many industry watchers
        predicted that a major announce-    The Proposal                       Airbus-Bombardier partnership
        ment was imminent.                                                     transforming the entire market land-
           More than two months later,      According to sources, Boeing has   scape, a lot hinges on the proposed
        the excitement generated by the     presented a new proposal to the    deal for both the world’s largest aero-
        announcement has given way to a     Brazilian government that would give   space company and the third-largest
        realization that while the two com-  it an 80 to 90 percent stake in a new   passenger jet maker.
        panies may yet be able to strike a   venture encompassing Embraer’s       Industry analysts expect Embraer,
        deal, it is not a foregone conclusion   commercial jet business, according   whose 70-130 seat E-Jet faces com-
        that they will. A merger, which had   to reports last week.            petition from Bombardier’s 110 to
        seemed a distinct possibility, has all   Last month, CNBC quoted Boeing   130-seat C Series, to benefit from
        but been officially ruled out.      CEO Chief Executive Officer Dennis   Boeing’s global reach and its market-
           The delay in announcing a part-  Muilenburg as saying that the com-  ing muscle if a deal is clinched. The
        nership is due to the fact that Boeing   pany was getting closer to a deal   Brazilian company would need the
        was initially eyeing nothing less than   with  Embraer.  According  to  local   American aerospace giant’s backing
        a  takeover  while  Embraer  wasn’t   media reports, Boeing has submitted   to compete with the C Series, which
        interested in one and wanted to be   a new proposal which, if approved,   is now under a financially healthy
        remain in control of its own destiny.   would give it an 80 to 90 percent   Airbus, they say.
        With negotiations on converting     stake in a new commercial jet busi-   Boeing has its own compulsions
        Embraer into subsidiary not head-   ness  venture  involving  the  two   as well. With the C-Series adding to
        ing anywhere, Boeing was forced to   companies. Boing officials believe   Airbus’ product line and expanding
        think of other ways of making the   that it would be easier to get Brazil’s   its reach, the American company
        partnership work, sources said.     blessings if defence operations are   is banking on a deal with Embraer,
           What makes the partnership       kept outside the ambit of the pro-  which is the world leader in the 70
        harder  to  clinch,  compared  to  a   posed company, thus enabling the   to 130-seat jet market, to match its
        normal business deal, is that the   government to keep its golden share   main rival in the regional jets cate-
        Brazilian government has a golden   in Embraer.                        gory. The tie-up, when it happens,
        share  in  Embraer.  This  makes  it   According to industry watchers,   would result in Boeing becoming
        the deciding authority on decisions   the Brazilian plane maker senses that   the market leader in the smaller
        involving military programmes and   it can now play hardball, given that   passenger jet market, thus causing
        any potential change of company     Boeing is now under pressure due   headaches for the C Series pro-
        ownership.  Reuters  reported  that   to Airbus taking over Bombardier’s   gramme.
        while the Finance Ministry and devel-  C Series operations. The O Globo   Boeing’s interest  in striking a deal
        opment bank BNDES, which owns 5     newspaper reported late last month   with Embraer is not solely because
        percent of Embraer, are in favor of   that Boeing has agreed to have only   it wants to go one up on Airbus in
        the deal, military officials do not want   a 51 percent controlling share in the   the regional jet category. With the
        to even entertain the idea of ceding   new venture.                    small jet market growing by leaps
        control to Boeing.                                                     and bounds and expected to sustain
           Raul Jungmann, Brazil’s defence   New Urgency                       its growth well into the next decade,
        minister, told Financial Times that   A final decision on the tie-up talks,   the company is aware that it needs a
        while he hoped the two companies    which began after Airbus sprung a   solid presence in the market to stave
        would agree on a partnership, the   surprise by acquiring control over   off competitions from other small-
        only limitation he saw was the trans-  Bombardier’s C Series program, is   jet manufacturers such as China’s
        fer of shareholding control. ““Other   likely before July, according to Paulo   Comac and Russia’s Sukhoi.
        than that, partnership, joint venture,   Cesar de Souza e Silva , Embraer
        whatever it is, is very welcome.”   chief  executive  officer.  With  the

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