Page 38 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2018 Online Magazine
P. 38


           edEx  Express  has  placed  a  new  faster transit times around the globe.
        Forder for 12 767 Freighters and 12  We are excited to add more of these
        777 Freighters with Boeing.” We are  aircraft to our fleet.” The order for the
        taking another positive step in our fleet  new airplanes is valued at US$6.6 bil-
        modernization program as we add more  lion at list prices. “We are honored that
        efficient, lower emission aircraft to our  FedEx has again placed its trust on the
        global fleet,” said David L. Cunningham,  wings of the Boeing 767 and 777. This
        President and CEO of FedEx Express.  repeat order is a big vote of confidence
        “The Boeing 767 and 777 Freighters  in  Boeing’s  market-leading  freighter
        have brought greater efficiency and  family and the long-term outlook for
        reliability to our air operations. The  air freight,” said Kevin McAllister, presi-
        777, with its tremendous range char-  dent and chief executive officer, Boeing
        acteristics, has allowed us to provide  Commercial Airplanes.

        CATHAY BECOMES                     due  to  its  flight  duration  of  approx-
                                           imately  17  hours.  “We  already  have
        2ND A350-1000                      one of the youngest long-haul fleets
        OPERATOR                           in the sky, and with the arrival of the   FIRST BELL 505S
                                           A350-1000,  our  fleet  is  only  going
            athay Pacific Airways has become   to get younger. The aircraft follows   DELIVERED TO
        Cthe second airline to operate the   the  successful  entry  of  the  A350-  CHINA
        A350-1000, following delivery of the   900 variant which has enabled us to
        jetliner in Toulouse, France. The A350-  expand our long-haul network at a   ell Helicopter has delivered the first
        1000  will  form  an  important  part  of   near unprecedented rate,” said Paul   Bthree Bell 505 Jet Ranger X helicop-
        Cathay  Pacific  long-haul  operations   Loo, Cathay Pacific Chief Customer   ters destined for the Chinese market.
        and the new aircraft will be deployed   and Commercial Officer. The aircraft   The three new helicopters will used in
        on Cathay’s new non-stop route from   is the first of 20 A350-1000s ordered   China for air tourism, air medical and
        Hong-Kong to Washington DC. This   by Cathay Pacific and will join the carri-  agriculture missions respectively. The
        sector will represent the longest flight   er’s growing fleet of A350 XWBs, which   new helicopters are the first three of
        made by any airline out of Hong Kong   already includes 22 A350-900s.   110 ordered by Reignwood International
                                                                                Investment Group Company Ltd in 2017
                                                                                as launch operator. “Our team in Mirabel
                                                                                is extremely proud to have built and to
                                                                                deliver the first aircraft to Reignwood,”
                                                                                said Cynthia Garneau, president of Bell
                                                                                Canada.” This is a very important mile-
                                                                                stone for Bell in Asia-Pacific and we
                                                                                are thrilled to contribute to the devel-
                                                                                opment of the commercial rotorcraft
                                                                                industry in China.” The five-seat Bell
                                                                                505  Jet  Ranger  X  is  powered  by  a
                                                                                Safran Helicopter Engines Arrius 2R
                                                                                with dual channel Full Authority Digital
                                                                                Engine Control (FADEC). The Bell 505
                                                                                cargo hook has been approved by the
                                                                                FAA to carry up to 2,000 lbs.

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