Page 4 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2018 Online Magazine
P. 4

05 WAITING                        26 HEATING UP
        TO UNFOLD                         Third party MROs face
        The Farnborough Airshow           competition from OEMs for
        will provide an insight into      new business opportunities
        the status of important
        commercial aircraft               28 BETTING BIG
        programmes                        ON AVIATION
                                          Thailand is pulling out all
        09 AHEAD OF                       stops to attract international
        THE PACK                          aviation  rms
        Airlines continue to
        innovate to meet                  32 STAYING
        customer needs                    AHEAD OF THE

        13 A NEW                          GAME
        CHAPTER                           ATR is focussing on new
                                          cabin additions to its
        Rising fuel prices have           aircraft family
        accelerated the induction
        of new, more fuel-e­cient
        aircraft into airline fleets       35 MRO NEWS
        15 INTERVIEW
        Gulfstream foresees strong
        demand for the G500 and           37 NEWS BRIEFS
        G600 in Asia Pacific and
        Middle East markets
                                          39 NEW CHAPTER
        17 RENEWED                        Airbus, Bombardier and
        APPEAL                            Investissement Québec
        Singapore Airlines has hit        agree closing of C Series
        the bullseye with its new         Partnership
        cabin oˆerings

        20 POWERING UP
        CFM56 engine MRO will
        take oˆ in the next decade

        24 TRAVELING
        TOWARD THE
        Obsolete time-division
        multiplexing telephony
        with IP technology

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