Page 27 - AAA JULY - SEPTEMBER 2019 Online Magazine
P. 27


        for Growth

         AAR’S OEM SOLUTIONS BUSINESS IS SET                           Making Waves in Asia
         TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF A GROWING ASIAN                          With Asia increasingly becoming the place to
         MARKET                                                        be for players in the aviation industry, AAR is
                                                                       investing heavily in the region. The company is
           Arun Sivasankaran                                           close to signing “major, long term contracts”
                                                                       with companies in Asia, says Young.
         Helping OEMs increase their share of aftermarket profits, at a time   “It will be in the parts supply chain side of our
         when they are investing more than ever in aftermarket services,   business; there will be a number of announce-
         may sound counterproductive for stand-alone companies that    ments later this year about contracts that we
         focus solely on the aftermarket, but AAR has turned conventional   will sign with companies in Japan and China. We
         wisdom on its head with its OEM Solutions business.           have offices in Tokyo, Singapore and Shanghai;
                                                                       we are very active in the region as is everyone
         The parts distribution business, which helps partner OEMs better   else.”
         penetrate the global commercial and military aircraft markets, has   With America and Europe being mature
         grown rapidly over the last few years. This year alone, several more   markets in terms of supply chain solutions,
         companies – BASF, Leach, Safran, Zodiac, Ametek and Woodward   companies are making a beeline for Asia. “We
         – have joined the growing list of OEMS that are looking to benefit   are starting to see Asian operators, both com-
         from AAR’s global reach and its aftermarket expertise.        mercial and military, being more interested in
                                                                       being not just transactional but more strategic
                                                                       with partners,” says Young.
                                                                         In May 2018, the business signed an exclu-
                                                                       sive deal with Sumitomo Precision Products to
                                                                       provide global support to airlines and MRO cus-
                                                                       tomers for the IAE V2500 Pneumatic Starter
                                                                       and Starter Air Valve.  “We have helped them
                                                                       grow their market in a big way,” says Young.
                                                                       “We hope to do more with Japanese OEMs, not
                                                                       just import to Asia but export as well.”

                                                                       Surge in Interest from OEMs
                                                                       Many OEMs are looking to divest a lot of the
                                                                       aftermarket activity, says Young. “That is not
                                                                       what they are good at. Everyone is focusing on
                                                                       their core; airlines want to set routes and sell
                                                                       tickets while OEMs want to design and produce
                                                                       products. OEMs want to capture profits from
        “MY BUSINESS HAS DOUBLED IN THE LAST FIVE                      the aftermarket but that is different from want-

        YEARS,” says Eric Young, Senior Vice President, OEM            ing to sell direct. We are really a one stop shop
        Solutions. “A LOT OF THAT GROWTH WAS SIGNING                   for component and systems OEMs to monetize
        AGREEMENTS WITH EXISTING OEM PARTNERS.                         their intellectual property in the aftermarket.”
        THEY LIKE WHAT WE HAVE DONE IN THE PAST                        AAR’s strategy - growing while helping OEMs
        AND WANT US TO DO MORE. OEMS OFFER SO                          increase their aftermarket share - isn’t for com-
        MANY OPPORTUNITIES FOR US TO GROW WITH                         panies that do not have the same breadth of
        THEM. OUR STRATEGY IS TO GO DEEP WITH FEW.”                    service. “There is no other company that has the
                                                                       same combination of businesses that we have,”

         ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE                                                    July/August/September 2019 | 27
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