Page 3 - AAA JULY-AUGUST 2012 Online Magazine
P. 3


        EDITOR’S NOTE                                                           CREDITS

                                                                                JEREMY TORR
                                                                                ExEcuTIvE PublIshER & cEO
        The end of the flag carrier?                                            ViTTORiO ROssi PRudEnTE
        Way  back  in  2007,  a  delphi  group  conducted  a  forward-looking  study  on  major
        airlines and travel trends over coming decades. They predicted that most large   cOO & MaRkETIng DIREcTOR, asIa
                                                                                siVa sachi
        network airlines would be unable to continue as they were, and that most would
        fall to mergers and alliances. The study estimated at most some five large network
        airlines would survive, mainly in the long haul travel sector. The rest of the travelling   aRT DIREcTOR
                                                                                aRThuR chan
        world’s aviation would be met by smaller, regional airlines.  
                                                                                WEb DIREcTOR
        Today, the list of global network flag carriers in trouble is dismal. Qantas is in an   ElMER ValEncia
        annual report mire. air india is haemorrhaging pilots and money. cathay is holding
        off major purchases. british airways is shackled to poor ratings and market share.
                                                                                cIRculaTIOn ManagER
                                                                                KhaiRul naEM
        Turkish airlines’ chairman, hamdi Topçu admitted recently that up to 14 regional
        carriers  had  “knocked  on  our  doors  [looking  for]  for  partnerships”  to  escape   aDvERTIsIng REPREsEnTaTIvEs
        financial problems. Turkish says it was approached by flag carriers from the czech   EUropE, MiddLE EAST, SoUTh AfricA &
        Republic, Poland, serbia, spain and hungary. The latter two ended in bankruptcy.   SoUTh AMEricA
                                                                                cOnTacT: ViTTORiO ROssi PRudEnTE
        closer to home, Thai airways has admitted it can’t compete with the lccs, and   TEl: +39 049 723 548  Fax: +39 049 856 0792
        has launched Thai smile, a carrier that no-sacked president, Piyasvasti amranand   MOb: +39 335 611 9295
        describes as “not low cost but somewhere in the middle” as though that would
        make it more profitable. a proposed airasia and Malaysian deal has crashed, with   ASEAN, pEopLE’S rEpUbLic of chiNA, TAiwAN,
                                                                                hoNG KoNG & AUSTrALASiA
        airasia’s Tony Fernandes noting that “ ...sometimes you need a bit of a kick up   cOnTacT: siVa sachi
        your backside. We didn’t appreciate (how good our operations were) until we saw   TEl: +603 7835 0855
                                                                                MOb: +601 2905 6825
        something else,” he said, referring to Malaysian airlines.              EMail:
                                                                                USA & cANAdA
        apart from financials and operations, just look at where the sales are to see which   cOnTacT: JOsh MaYER
        way the wind is blowing. lion air has 230 boeings on order. airasia has 200 airbuses.   TEl : +1 972 816-6745  Fax : +1 972 767 4442
                                                                                EMail :
        air France is busy restructuring its routes in order to make cost savings. air india’s
        first boeing 787 sits on seattle tarmac at time of writing, awaiting settlement of a   SwiTzErLANd
                                                                                cOnTacT: RObERT ROTTMEiER
        bill dispute. There simply isn’t the money available for unprofitable organisations,   TEl : +41 216 174 412 Fax : +41 216 170 921
        no matter what is painted on the tail. it looks increasingly as though the industry   MOb : +41 792 104 466
                                                                                EMail :
        – in particular the long-haul legacy carriers – will see a massive change imposed
        on it by market forces.                                                 iSrAEL
                                                                                cOnTacT: TaMiR EshEl
                                                                                TEl : + 972 544 508 028 / +972 989 117 92
        it’s not hard to see who the survivors will be – Middle East carriers have mass,   Fax : +972 989 199 65
        location,  aircraft  types  and  numbers  on  their  side.  Regional  lccs  have  price,   EMail :
        accessibility and simplicity on theirs. it’s going to be a bloody scenario as oil, the
        euro and national budgets all sweep their tsunami through the flag carriers. don’t
        book too far ahead...                                                   Global Business Press Pte. Ltd.
                                                                                asian aiRlinEs & aiRPORTs
                                                                                level 34, centennial Tower,
                                                                                3 Temasek avenue, singapore 039190.
                                                                                Tel : +65 6549 7706 Fax : +65 6549 7011
                                                                                Email :
                                                                                Web :
                                                                                 asian aiRlinEs & aiRPORTs is a monthly publication
                                                                                 for professionals working in all sectors of the airline,
                                                                                 airport and related industries. Opinions expressed by
        JEREMY TORR                                                              contributors in asian aiRlinEs & aiRPORTs do not
                                                                                 necessarily represent those of the publisher or editor.
        Editor                                                                   This publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in
                                                                                 any form in whole or in part without the written express
                                                                                 consent of the publishers.
                    WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM                                  JULY / AUGUST 2012  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  3
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