Page 31 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2013 Online Magazine
P. 31


          Cathay Pacific A330
          damaged when air
          bridge collapsed
          In early April, a Cathay Pacific Airways
          A330 suffered some damage after a rear
          air bridge at the Hong Kong International
          Airport collapsed. Fortunately, the
          incident occurred only after all 262
          passengers had boarded the plane,   A350 XWB MSN001 equipped with
          though a worker in the air bridge’s   Trent engines and Honeywell APU
          operating cabin was injured. Speaking to
          Flightglobal at the time, a spokesperson   Airbus has installed two flight-ready Rolls-Royce Trent XWB engines and the
          from Airport Authority Hong Kong said,   Honeywell HGT1700 auxiliary power unit (APU) on the first flight-test A350 XWB
          “The air bridge at gate 71 fell because of   (MSN001). Following that, the A350 XWB MSN001 is expected to undergo ground
          a technical problem.”              tests, preparation and painting, before being handed over to the Airbus flight test
                                             team. At the point of writing, MSN001 had not yet achieved its maiden flight.

          Indonesia’s CAS may set
          up shop in Batam
          Indonesian  airline  catering  and
          maintenance provider PT Cardig Aerso
          Services (CAS) may set up a new facility
          in Batam. CAS’s CEO and President
          Diono Nurjadin said the company has
          identified  a  potential  site  in Batam’s   A380 wing-fix on its way
          Hang Nadim Airport with a four-    In late March and early April, reports   permanent wing feet repairs on one of
          kilometre runway and a hangar that can   said the European Aviation Safety   Lufthansa’s A380s, and was scheduled
          house two single-air aircraft, and noted   Agency (EASA) was close to issuing an   to perform the same repairs on 31 other
          that it was ideal for no-frills carriers.   airworthiness directive approving and   A380s: 10 for Lufthansa, 12 for Qantas
          Speaking to the Business Times earlier   mandating the permanent fix for the   in  Lufthansa  Technik’s  Manila  facility,
          this year, he said, “The venture is high-  cracking problem affecting A380’s wing-  and nine for Emirates at Ameco Beijing.
          priority because we have the opportunity   rib brackets. At the time, Lufthansa   For now, the world awaits EASA’s
          in Batam at the moment.”           Technik was allegedly carrying out   certification of the modification.

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