Page 30 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2013 Online Magazine
P. 30


                                                                                    Currently, jet fuel
                                                                                expense  account for
                                                                                about 40% to 45% of
                                                                                the airlines total costs,
                                                                                and even if we can
                                                                                save one% through
                                                                                import or hedging,
                                                                                it will be huge

           Most European airlines are hedging at   in 2007 when the  program began. The   needs for the remainder of 2013 hedged,
        least 75% of their jet fuel needs, according   results are evident. The Abu Dhabi-based   and has hedged 65% of 2014’s needs and
        to data from nine carriers compiled by   airline reported net profit of US$42 million   35% of 2015’s requirements.
        Bloomberg. Ryanair Holdings, Europe’s   for 2012, up 300% from 2011.       As the volatile oil prices added an
        biggest discount airline, has hedged   “In the turbulent oil markets of the last   additional burden of over 1 billion rupees,
        90% of its fuel requirements for the year   five years, we have been able to manage   the governing body of Air India Board
        through March 2014. And in the last   our  risk  and  minimise  oil  price  volatility   cleared the proposal to enter into hedging
        several years, U.S.-based Southwest has   effectively by forward hedging  most of   ATF, the airline official said. “Hedging jet
        reaped sweeter rewards from fuel hedging   our fuel requirements, in both the short-   fuel is one of the options that will help Air
        than any other airline in the industry.   and medium-term,” noted James Hogan,   India in its turnaround plan,” G. Prasada
           Similarly, Etihad Airways, the national   president  and  chief  executive officer  of   Rao, a  spokesman  for the state-run
        airline of the United Arab Emirates (UAE),   Etihad Airways.            carrier, said, without elaborating on the
        has built up its fuel hedging program over   For Etihad, which has bought 24%   airline’s hedging plans.
        the last six years as a key tool to manage jet   stake in Jet Airways, India’s leading   Taking  a  cue,  debt-ridden  private
        fuel price risk, allowing its management   full  service  private carrier, hedging is   airlines in the country are also planning
        to plan effectively. Last year, the leading   about creating a platform for certainty in   to make a preemptive strike to gain
        Middle Eastern carrier managed a fuel   planning. “It’s not intended as a tool to   control of the impact of the increasingly
        hedging  portfolio  of  around  23.8  million   generate trading profits,” he said. Etihad   complex energy markets. Low cost carrier
        barrels, up from only 6.5 million barrels   Airways currently has 80% of its fuel   SpiceJet is contemplating direct import

            COUNTING THE COST                                  to CAPA Centre for Aviation, a Sydney-based consultant.
            Fuel prices can have a significant impact on an airline’s   “Unfortunately, airlines that are suffering from financial
            bottom line, not least when the current state of the capital   distress and would likely benefit from hedging, may not
            markets has left many airlines strapped for cash. If jet   be able to do so,” says Prof. David A. Carter, Prfinancially
            fuel costs are not actively managed, an airline could not   weak firms are unlikely to be able to find anybody that will
            only exceed its forecasted budget, but could also reduce   enter into a contract with them, for fear they might default.
            its profit or increase its loss. High fuel prices and cut-rate   “Further, creditworthiness is important when entering
            fares have pushed multiple Indian carriers into losses   into contracts with financial institutions who specialise in
            even though passenger traffic more than doubled in   hedging contracts,” he added. The bottom line: if you can
            the past seven years. In total, Indian airlines lost some   afford the fuel, you can afford to hedge. If you are strapped
            US$1.65 billion in the year ended March 31, according   for cash, be prepared to pay more. Unfair? It certainly
                                                               seems like it.

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