Page 5 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2013 Online Magazine
P. 5





                                             06| NEwS

                                                   the important stories that affect operators across the
                                                   asian region.

                                             26| YOu SAY, I SAY
                              32                   Both sides of the argument. why not let your voice be heard and

                                                   give us your views on our website?

         35                                  32| INDIA NEwS
                                                   what going up and what’s going down on the sub-continent.

                                             35| ROTARY
                                                   what’s going on in the world of rotary aviation. get the latest
                                                   spin on helicopter happenings.

                                             36| AIRLINES
                                                   if it’s in a hangar somewhere, if it’s being flown, or if it’s being
                                                   certified or sold – then it’s in airlines.

                                             37| AIRPORTS
                                                   Just because they don’t have wings and engines doesn’t mean
                                                   airports aren’t important. keep up to speed with one of the
                                                   most important infrastructure sectors in aviation.
                              36             38| PROfILE

                                                   that’s me! we talk candidly to the people that keep our industry
                                                   wheels – and wings – turning. fancy being famous?
                    WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM                             SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2013  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  5
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