Page 18 - AAA JULY - AUGUST 2014 Online Magazine
P. 18


        control measures to avoid such events.   it to offer the significant improvements   he  says,  while  commenting  on  an  important
        We are working to get back on track   in cash operating  costs being talked   attribute on the CSeries, the fact that its “FBW
        and have resumed ground engine      about.  According to Bombardier, it will   is designed with soft and hard stops in the
        runs to return the FTVs to flight test   deliver significant improvements in   controls, so if the pilot wants to go beyond the
        program safely,” said Robert Dewar, Vice   the cash operating cost versus current   hard stops, he/she can do so.”
        President and General Manager, CSeries   competition from Boeing, Airbus and   The CSeries is the first aircraft that
        Program. “We have also been running   Embraer, offering a 15 percent cash   uses the same symbology for the Head
        stationary tests of other systems such as   operating cost advantage over aircraft   up Display (HUD) as well as the Multi-
        the APU, electrical systems and avionics   currently in production.     Function Display (MFD). This will help
        with EIS still expected in second half of   Even with other manufacturers fitting   reduce  the  amount  of training  required
        2015.” The flight test program with in-  new engines on an existing airframe (737   and increase the SA in critical phases
        flight testing expected to resume in the   Max, A320 NEO), they are still heavier   of flight. Attention has also been paid to
        coming weeks                        than the CSeries and optimised to carry   items like the auto throttle levers which
           Flight Test Vehicle 1 (FTV 1) on which   more passengers over longer distances,   move  from their detents as Bombardier
        the incident occurred is expected to   against these aircraft the CSeries will   felt it was important for the pilots to have a
        resume testing in June and the remaining   offer a cash operating cost advantage of   moving lever. All information for the pilot is
        four aircraft will also ramp up their   10-12 percent, says Bombardier.    displayed on five big LCD displays and key
        testing tasks.  FTV 4 which first flew on   Amongst the technologies that enable   information is projected on the glare shield
        May 18th and is being used for conducting   such improvements in efficiency are   during key phases of flight.
        performance validation testing and for   Pratt & Whitney’s PurePower PW1500G   The CSeries also hopes to win
        Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) testing.   geared turbofan engine and with the use   customers over with the its interiors
           FTV 4 was also the first aircraft to be   of composites on the wing, empennage   which is “Not like a regional jet but
        fully painted with the production paint   and nacelle of the aircraft and usage of   actually a narrowbody airplane with the
        scheme, “FTV 5 has just completed the   advanced aluminium alloys. All these   comfort of a wide body,  with five abreast
        full interior fit and we are very satisfied   offer better maintenance intervals and   seating offers almost as much space as
        with the results.” says Sebastien, adding   lowers costs for the customer.   the 737 and customers will notice the
        that they are also preparing two aircraft   Another highlight of the CSeries according   windows which are as big as those on
        in the 300 series that will be ready in the   to Sebastien is its cockpit which has been   the 777” claims Sebastien. Bombardier
        second half of this year.           designed to reduce pilot workload and increase   has also teamed up with Panasonic to
           The clean sheet design has allowed   situational awareness (SA). “We chose to use   offer line-fit installation of broadband
        the potential of the CSeries to be   Fly by Wire (FBW) with side stick in the cockpit   connectivity system for the first time on
        maximised right from the get go, allowing   as pilots are familiar with this arrangement.”   a single-aisle aircraft.
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