Page 31 - AAA MARCH - APRIL 2014 Online Magazine
P. 31


        Beechcraft King Air C90GTx

        till DGCA acted on an inspection report by
        the ICAO.
           About 125 Indian aviation firms that
        have business and charter aircraft cannot
        fly their airplanes until they submit a
        readiness plan. Estimates say 44 of these
        operators fly overseas.
           “Whenever they are prepared, they
        will come to us. We will do a structured
        evaluation...Only then we will clear it, after
        a check of all their operations ground up,”
        the official asserts.
           Officials from the UN aviation
        watchdog,  which  had  clubbed  India
        among 13 nations with the worst record
        for air safety oversight, were in India
        last August for a compliance audit of the
        Indian aviation regulator. The DGCA has
        given  the  ICAO  a  corrective  action  plan
        that it intended to implement shortly, says
        the ministry official.

        Safety Record
        Most of the small business aircraft don’t have
        certain automated navigation equipment as
        mandated by international airports to lower
        emissions and ease congestion.
           Following rising concerns about
        whether Indian operators adhere to
        international safety norms, Singapore,
        Hong Kong and Bali have already banned
        Indian private chartered carriers from
        landing in their airports.
                    WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM                                 MARCH / APRIL 2014  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  31
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