Page 3 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2015 Online Magazine
P. 3



                              06            AIRCRAFT MANUFACTURING
                                            06| Testing the Skies

                                            Aircraft makers will face an increasingly competitive and flooded market

                                            REGIONAL AVIATION
                                            10| Reaching for the Skies

                                            India’s National Civil Aircraft Development (NCAD) programme

                                            AIRSHOW PREVIEW
                                            12| The Show Goes On
                                            Aero India 2015 is a must visit for those wanting to be part of India’s aviation
                                            growth story

                             20             COVER STORY
                                            14| Delivering the Goods
                                            International airfreight demand for Asia Pacific airlines is growing

          22                                AIRCRAFT SAFETY
                                            16| With Prayers on the Lips

                                            A look into Indonesia’s weak safety protocols

                                            TRAVEL SURVEY
                                            18| What Annoys You Most?

                                            Honeywell survey explores passenger pet peeves

                                            20| Training for Change

                                            22| Falcon Premiere
          28                                24| Airport of Smiles

                                            27| Composite Decision

                                            28| A New Way Upward
                                            30| The Most Wanted Swiss Single
                                            32| Flying High
                                            34| News

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