Page 10 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2016 Online Magazine
P. 10


                                                                                home to more long-haul first class routes
                                                                                than London Heathrow, and Emirates flies
                                                                                more long-haul first class seats than British
                                                                                Airways or Lufthansa. Harbison notes that
                                                                                Emirates “does First Class well.”
                                                                                   While First Class is “unequivocally one of
                                                                                decline” Harbison says the new cabins from
                                                                                Etihad  Airways  launched  late  in  2014  have
                                                                                brought “unprecedented levels of luxury to
                                                                                first class.”
                                                                                   And those new “digs” along with new
                                                                                Etihad’s new Business Class suites have
                                                                                prompted the king of First Class Emirates to
                                                                                announce it is responding early year.
                                                                                   Emirates President  Tim Clark, said the
                                                                                “new  bedroom  concept  will  take  privacy  to
                                                                                the next level.”
                                                                                   “We’re talking fully enclosed rooms, with
                                                                                all the touches and amenities that you’d
                                                                                expect in a hotel or a private bedroom on a
                                                                                luxury yacht, room service and so on.”
                                                                                   Australian Business  Traveller’s Flynn
                                                                                says the next stage in Business Class is
                                                                                “more room for working, for storing your
                                                                                carry-on knick-knacks so they’re close at
                                                                                hand rather than stowed out of reach in the
                                                                                overhead bin.”
                                                                                   “I expect some business class seats
                                                                                will adopt suite-style sliding partitions for
                                                                                additional  privacy,  even beyond  the seat
                                                                                ‘shells’ already used by the likes of Cathay
                                                                                Pacific and Etihad. We’ll see more considered
                                                                                design  in  terms  of  lighting  and  premium
                                                                                finishes, as airlines strive to differentiate
                                                                                their ‘travel experience’ from that of the
                                                                                competition. We’ll see more airlines adopting
                                                                                inflight Internet and possibly making it part
                                                                                of the business class ticket price rather than
                                                                                an add-on cost. Soft product will assume
                                                                                increased importance, so inflight meals and
        TOP: Increased storage space and a more   also offered is London Heathrow-New York   wine and service are all going to move to the
        comfortable working environment are   JFK with 1,116 weekly first class seats.   fore,” predicts Flynn.
        likely to be the next stage in the evolution   This is a comfortable lead over the   Harbison says new developments in
        of Premium cabins
                                            second-largest  first  class  route,  London   Business Class will be all about “space and
        mIDDLE: Premium Economy offerings   Heathrow-Dubai, with 850 weekly first class   privacy.” Premium Economy is now squeezing
        have been successful in attracting the   seats says the Centre for Aviation. “London   business upmarket, he notes.
        travelling public, yet run the risk of   Heathrow-New York JFK’s 1,116 weekly first   Flynn agrees. “Premium economy is
        cannibalising the demand for the highly   class seats is almost double the average   already hitting the ceiling. Airlines are
        profitable Business Class offerings if not
        thought through                     559 first class seats operated on the top 10   afraid of cannibalising the premium cabins.
                                            routes with most first class seats, and more   That’s why the likes of Singapore  Airlines
        OPPOSITE TOP: Singapore Airlines has   than double the average 401 first class seats   and Lufthansa were so late to the premium
        been very successful in delivering a highly   on the top 25 routes,” it notes.  economy party, and it’s where Qantas and
        sought after premium cabin experience
        with high quality cabins and careful   Overall, however, says the Centre for   Cathay Pacific have carefully calibrated their
        service from its world beating cabin crew  Aviation, Dubai, Emirates’ headquarters, is   own mid-cabin offerings.”
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