Page 34 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2016 Online Magazine
P. 34


        Integrating Technologies;

        Farmiliarising Technology

                  hen it comes to using new   same. Passengers even when exposed to
                  technologies, there is only an   self-service choices depicted unique set of
                  extent to which we seek new   choices which could be categorised in  four
        Wtechnology. In our culture of      different types – Careful Planner, Pampered,
        instant fulfilment, where expectations are   Hyper-Connected  and  Open-Minded
        set by  immediacy, we are still cautious about   Adventurer. Each profile used technology in
        technology which is too complex and prefer   different ways showing that a ‘one-size fits all’
        easy to use- technology. There are only exciting   approach risks alienating some passengers.
        possibilities on the horizon when it comes   Anyone can complete this short online form
        to customisation and personalisation which   to find out what kind of traveler they are and
        would start  by interpreting travellers choices   compare their personal behaviour to others   double check every stage of preparation
        correctly.  The future with the increased use   from around the world. The survey found that   and travel. Anxiety ridden and apprehensive
        of technology would successfully deliver a   :                          about  the travel  experience  tends  to drive
        more personalised, contextual and enjoyable                             their behaviors.
        experience for travellers.          Careful Planners:
           While technology is an extension of   Thirty four per cent of the passengers were   Hyper-Connected
        human capabilities, its acceptance in our lives  “Careful Planners”. Careful planners were   Fourteen per cent were Hyper connected.  To
        is subject to two main factors; how useful   defined as travelers who do not want to   such travelers it is very important for them
        travellers find the technology and how easy   risk  anything  negative  on  their  journey,  so   to maintain control and determine their own
        the technology is to use reported the findings   they planned ahead  in time to avoid any   context.  They value efficiency very highly.
        of SITA’s passenger IT  Trends Survey.  The   negativity  or cause  for anxiety.  Often  they   They tend not to be passionate about travel
        online survey which was conducted                                       and commonly experience mild annoyance
        amongst 9,216 respondents from                                          and impatience.
        19 countries across the Americas,
        Asia, Europe and the Middle East                                        Pampered:
        and  Africa,  represented  almost                                       Fourteen per cent were pampered and
        three-quarters of global passenger                                      relaxed travelers who could afford a higher
        traffic. Participants  were  asked to                                   standard of service.  They make frequent
        review each stage of their journey                                      use of status-based services for e.g.,
        and identify their range of emotions                                    lounges, loyalty programs, etc. They tend to
        with an emotion scale tool.                                             enjoy travel more than others, but regularly
           Passengers experienced the                                           experienced a blend of mild annoyance with
        most negative emotions during                                           anticipation and joy.
        the security screening, passport
        control and baggage collection                                          Open-Minded Adventures:
        steps of the journey, peaking at                                        Nine per cent were open minded adventurers
        nearly one third of passengers                                          eager to try new things and services. They
        at security.  These were not                                            are looking for memorable experiences, but
        only  steps which were  found                                           tend to travel economy class and look for
        invasive but also the steps with                                        bargains. They are happy and excited about
        the least number of self-service                                        their travel journey, although many also
        technology options.                                                     express underlying apprehension.

        Customisation and
        Personalization                                                         (Maneesh Jaikrishna is Vice President, India
        But not all passengers are the                                          & Subcontinent of SITA)
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