Page 31 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2016 Online Magazine
P. 31


        Aerospace Park.  This includes land with                                First two phases are
        runway access,” says Singapore Economic
        Development Board (EDB) director transport                              already developed or
        engineering, Tan Kong Hwee.                                             the land is reserved. But
           “JTC  is  the  industrial  landlord  and  they
        have seen strong interest, so there is a need to                        there is still phase-three
        balance and see which projects better fit the
        interest that Singapore has going forward. So                           that accounts for 40
        we have to be selective,” adds Tan.                                     percent of the total land
           Seletar Airport is primarily a business
        aviation airport, but it is also home to some                           at Seletar Aerospace
        commercial MRO companies such as Fokker
        Services Asia. And it is set to also become                             Park. This includes land
        a commercial airport.  The Civil Aviation                               with runway access
        Authority  of  Singapore  (CAAS)  announced
        that commercial turboprop operators at
        Changi Airport will have to re-locate to
        Seletar by the end of 2018 when a new   Tan Kong Hwee, Director Transport Engineering,
        passenger terminal opens at Seletar.  The   Singapore Economic Development Board
        new terminal, located on the east side of the
        airport, will cater to both commercial and
        business aviation passengers.          While turboprop operators such as Firefly   parking issue, JTC says its top management
           The decision has angered  both the   are reluctant to move to Seletar, business   is speaking with CAAS and Changi Airport
        commercial turboprop operators and those   aviation companies are also angered by CAAS’   Group about these matters, as it is “under
        involved in business aviation.  Turboprop   decision. They are already concerned there is   their purview.”
        operators such as ATR operator Firefly want   too little land at Seletar with runway access   Singapore is arguably the number
        to stay at Changi Airport, so their passengers   and  they  also  complain  there  is  too  little   one centre in Southeast Asia for business
        can use Changi as a hub to connect to other   parking space for aircraft. So they fear that   aviation by virtue of the fact that it has the
        international flights. If they are forced to   turning Seletar into a commercial airport, will   largest fleet of business jets in the region
        fly to Seletar, then they will be restricted to   make the problem worse.    and many of the top business aviation MRO
        being purely a point-to-point carrier with no   Another issue for business aviation   companies have facilities at Seletar serving
        transit traffic.                    companies at Seletar is that some of the   the region.
           The CEO of Firefly, Ignatius Ong, has   larger business jets, such as the Gulfstream   According to Asian Sky Research, the
        also said publicly that the other reason he is   G550, are unable to take off with a full load   number of business jets based in Singapore
        reluctant to fly to Seletar is the lack of public   of fuel and passengers because the runway   in  2015  was  63,  making  it  the  largest  fleet
        transport to Seletar.               is too short. In 2011, the runway was extended   of business jets in Southeast Asia. But it
           JTC argues that Seletar Aerospace Park   by 250m to 1,840m. It was announced at that   also interesting to note that the number of
        is well connected by expressways. It says a   time that this length of runway was sufficient   business jets based in Singapore last year did
        new public bus service was introduced end   to handle aircraft as large as a 737.   not grow. Meanwhile, the number of business
        of last year that connects Seletar to the   But what was not made clear in the   jets in Indonesia grew 16 percent to 52.
        neighbouring northern areas of Punggol,   announcement, was that they were referring   EDB and JTC went to enormous effort to
        Yishun and Sembawang. JTC also says it   to 737s going to Seletar for maintenance   attract these business aviation companies to
        has introduced a shuttle bus service that   work. Such aircraft fly in and take off with no   Seletar. One can only hope that they – along
        connects Seletar to train stations in the   passengers and less than a full tank of fuel.   with CAAS and Changi Airport Group - make
        north and east of the island.          When asked about the runway and   as much of an effort to keep them.

            Recent Investments into Seletar Aerospace Park

            16 February 2016                   17 April                            24 May 2016
            Sabena Technics opens component    Airbus Asia Training Centre opens, a   Safran Helicopter Engines opens
            repair facility primarily to serve ATR   joint venture between Airbus and   regional headquarters and engine
            operators in Asia Pacific           Singapore Airlines to serve Airbus   MRO facility
                                                operators in the region

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