Page 8 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2017 Online Magazine
P. 8


        expected to add 16,050 new aircraft.  The   windows provide greater cabin comfort than    The company won two significant orders
        burgeoning of the LCC market in the region   its competitors.  The lightweight aluminum   in  2016  -  Delta  Air  Lines  has  75  C-Series
        has helped grow the need for 11,840 new   and composite body provides greater   jets on order with an option for an additional
        single-aisle airplanes.             efficiency and while there are reports about   50  planes while Air Canada has ordered 45
                                            teething problems with the Pratt & Whitney   aircraft - but it hasn’t announced any new order
        Perfect Timing                      PW1500G geared turbofan engines that the   since. That is 18 months with nothing to show
        Both Airbus and Bombardier seemed to   aircraft uses, they are some of the most fuel   for all the hard work that has gone into the
        have walked off the table happy with the   efficient on the market and reduces operating   aircraft. At the Paris Air Show earlier this year,
        deal.  The partnership with Bombardier   costs by about 15 percent compared to other   the company flew in both the CS100 and the
        will boost sales and the value of the   aircraft. It is also the quietest ever aircraft,   larger CS300 to woo carriers; it, however, did
        programme tremendously, believes Airbus   emitting 20 percent less carbon dioxide.  not earn any new order. The company is short
        Chief Executive Officer  Tom Enders. “The   Among the fans of the aircraft is Edward   on orders, but even before the partnership with
        C Series, with its state-of-the-art design   Bastian, Delta Air Lines CEO, who likes   Airbus was announced, there was no shortage
        and great economics, is a great fit with our   the innovation that sets its aside from its   of confidence on the part of company officials
        existing single-aisle aircraft family and   competitors.  “The  Bombardier  C  Series   about the market prospects of the C Series.
        rapidly extends our product offering into a   brings a 100-seat product to our market   Kevin Smith, Bombardier VP-regional aircraft,
        fast growing market sector. “Not only will   that no U.S. manufacturer produce,” he told   expects interest in the aircraft to pick up once
        this partnership secure the C Series and its   CNBC in an interview. “Boeing stopped   Delta’s gets it first plane in the spring of 2018.
        industrial operations in Canada, the U.K. and   producing it, in fact, ten years ago. We were   “When Delta starts operating the aircraft out
        China, but we also bring new jobs to the U.S.”   the largest user of the 717. It is innovation   of New York and Los Angeles and then Seattle,
        “Airbus is the perfect partner for us, Québec   that this market place needs.  It is one of the   and Air Canada takes delivery in the spring of
        and Canada,” said Alain Bellemare, Bombardier   most environmentally friendly aircraft on the   2019, the aircraft will be ubiquitous,” Smith told
        President and Chief Executive Officer. “Their   market and we look forward to taking it.”  reporters at the Regional Airline Association
        global  scale,  strong  customer  relationships   While there are no questions about the   convention in  West Palm Beach, Florida, in
        and operational expertise are key ingredients   aircraft, there were plenty of them regarding   September this year. “ It will be everywhere.”
        for unleashing the full value of the C Series.   the viability of the C Series programme, which
        This partnership should more than double the   was developed at a cost of US$6 billion. The  Ugly Tussle
        value of the C Series programme.”   new plane first flew four years ago, but with the   The partnership not gives a fresh lease of
           The partnership is great news for the C   programme running into trouble, the company   life to the C Series programme but also gives
        Series aircraft, which had earned glowing   had to delay its introduction into service   Airbus  a  big advantage  in  its tussle  with
        reviews with many experts convinced that it   and also seek funding from the Canadian   Boeing for global aircraft sales. It changes
        trumps like-sized Boeing and Airbus products   government. Only two European carriers -   the dynamics of the ongoing trade dispute
        in terms of quality. The aircraft’s wider seats,   Swiss International Airlines and Latvian carrier   between Bombardier and Boeing, one that
        bigger overhead compartments and larger   AirBaltic - currently fly the C series.  has snowballed into a diplomatic dispute

        rigHt:  Pierre  Beaudoin,
        Bombardier Chairman of the
        Board, Tom Enders, Airbus CEO,
        Alain Bellemare, Bombardier
        President & CEO, Fabrice Bregier,
        Airbus COO & President of Airbus
        Commercial Aircraft

        oPPosite  toP:  While Boeing
        insists that the  C Series  is
        a  competitor  for  the  737
        MAX Family, the 737 MAX 7
        which seats between 138-153
        passengers has not received a
        major order since 2013
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