Page 8 - AAA SEPTEMBER - OCOTBER 2017 Online Magazine
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        weeks’ salary. During the same period, the   part with as little as $10 one-way for the new   the bus and a ban on anything except what will
        personal space has stayed relatively static.   product  and  receive  priority  boarding,  at   fit under the seat in front such as a purse, very
        PY passengers  also get  a dedicated  cabin,   least 25 per cent more legroom in exit or first   small backpack or laptop bag. Any other bag
        typically Business Class food and wines and   row seats, along with what the airline calls   must be checked as a cost of US$25 upwards.
        dedicated check-in.                 “preferred” overhead lockers. On short-haul   However, once on-board, passengers on the
           The AA&A investigation has thrown up   international flights, passengers get access   Basic Economy Fare will still get the same
        some fascinating numbers that put today’s   to dedicated check-in and the cost starts at   complimentary soda, water and snacks as
        fares in perspective.   The weeks of salary   $50 one-way. For long-haul on the airline’s   well as inflight entertainment.
        required  to  buy  a  return  economy  fare  to   Boeing  777-300ERs,  there are  five rows of   The fact that there has been a dramatic
        London in 1970 - 15.7- would buy two first class   Economy Space + seating in a secluded cabin   reduction in fares for US passengers is
        tickets today.  The number of weeks’ salary   area behind premium economy. The package   something even consumer groups cannot
        for an economy fare in 1990 is almost the   also includes premium noise cancelling   ignore. Since 1970, the average yearly salary
        same as business class today, while weeks to   headphones and a guaranteed first meal   in the US has risen 370 per cent to US$44,000
        earn an economy ticket in 2000 is the same as   choice. Prices vary by route, market, and fare   while the return transcontinental airfare with
        premium economy in 2017. What well-meaning   type with the long-haul option topping out at   American Airlines (midweek April 2017) has
        consumer groups also fail to mention are the   $165 one way. The option appears as an extra   risen only 33 per cent to US$400 return.
        host of options that are offered to economy   during the booking process.  That fare is not a special nor the new Basic
        passengers today for more legroom and even   Most of the criticism by consumer groups   Economy. Expressed in number of weeks to
        a  spare  seat.  Air  New  Zealand  and  Virgin   in the U.S. are focused on the big three –   earn, in 1970 it took an American two weeks
        Australia are excellent cases in point.  The   United, Delta and American - rolling out what   to buy a transcontinental return flight. Today,
        Kiwi  airline introduced  the Skycouch  set of   is called Basic Economy.  The airlines argue   it’s just under half a week’s salary. Expressed
        three seats that convert into a bed in 2010.   they are simply matching the fares of the   another way by the US airline association
        For a May flight from Perth, Australia to Los   Ultra-Low-Cost airlines – Spirit, Frontier and   Airlines for America (A4A), the average return
        Angeles return, the fare (for the three seats)   Allegiant Air.         fare adjusted to 2015 dollars in 1980 was
        for one adult and two children was a total of   In a statement, American Airlines   US$650 and in 2015 it was US$375. Consumer
        A$3473.68. The fare for two adults return was   President Robert Isom said: “American   groups are also lashing out at US airlines
        A$3635.12.  The airline also sells any vacant   Airlines now has something to offer every   in particular  over  the recent  robust profits,
        economy seats for about $100 a sector. Its   customer, from those who want simple,   but on average, airlines only retain US$7.54
        premium economy zone, which started with   low-price travel to those who want an ultra-  for every passenger carried, according to
        just 12 seats on a 747 in 2005, is now 44 seats   premium experience via First Class.” He   International Air  Transport Association
        on the 777-300ER.                   added: “Importantly, this new fare product   (IATA).
           Virgin Australia not only offers Premium   also gives American the ability to compete
        Economy but has also added Economy Space   more effectively with the growing number of  Industry Profits are On the Rise
        + and added options to make it more enticing.   ultra-low-cost carriers.” There is no new cabin   For 2016, the industry made around US$36
        On domestic routes, passengers need only   – just unpopular centre seats at the back of   billion, which is a record, and also registered

                                                                                leFt: Sir Freddie Laker. Laker
                                                                                Airways photo colorised by
                                                                                Benoit Vienne
                                                                                opposite  top: Air New
                                                                                Zealand’s Economy Skycouch

                                                                                opposite BottoM:  Air New
                                                                                Zealand’s Business Premier
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