Page 15 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2018 Online Magazine
P. 15

        BRIGHT                                                                                           Q&A


         Gulfstream foresees strong
         demand for the all-new G500
         and G600 in Asia Pacific and
         Middle East markets

                                            Gulfstream is scheduled to make
                                            the first customer delivery of the
                                            G500 this year while deliveries of  II  as  part  of  the  revolutionary
                                            the G600 will commence in 2019.    Symmetry Flight Deck, the most
                                                                               advanced, stylish, comfortable and
                                            Edited excerpts from the interview:  intuitive in the industry.
                                                                                  During  its  12-year  production
                                            What are some of the               run,  the  G450  was  one  of  the
                                            unique features of G500            best-selling business jets in the
                                            and improvements over              industry. The G500 is the next gen-
                                            G450?                              eration of Gulfstream aircraft. It is
                                                                               bigger than the G450, has greater
                                            Gulfstream’s  all-new  G500  will  range, is more fuel efficient and has
                                            provide  customers  with  an  opti-  more advanced technology.
                                            mized  combination  of  speed,
                                            range, technology and efficiency.  What are the future plans
                                            The G500 will be able to fly 5,200  for G550, will its produc-
                 ulfstream Aerospace has    nm/9,630  km  at  its  long-range  tion stop after G600’s
                 already bagged more than   cruise speed of Mach 0.85, provid- market entry?
                 50 orders for the G500     ing operators even greater mission
        Gand close to that on the           flexibility over the aircraft’s original  We will continue to produce the
        G600 and the airframer expects,     5,000-nm/9,260-km range. At its  G550 for the foreseeable future
        that the two new aircraft to be in   high-speed cruise of Mach 0.90,  and  have  the  orders  to  support
        great demand in Asia Pacific and    the G500 will offer 4,400 nm/8,149  that. It is important to remember
        the Middle East.
                                            km  of  range,  a  600-nm/1,111-km  that  the  G550  has  been  one  of
                                            increase over its projected range  the most successful aircraft for
        “With the G500 and G600, we have    of 3,800 nm/7,038 km. Flying at  Gulfstream with more than 560 in
        developed an optimized combina-     Mach  0.90  saves  up  to  an  hour  service. Customers continue to see
        tion of speed, range, technology    versus flying at Mach 0.80. On a  tremendous value in the G550 with
        and efficiency that is well-suited to   yearly basis, this speed can result  its unmatched reliability and the
        customers in Asia Pacific and the   in a time savings of more than 50  longest range in its class. Its best-
        Middle East,” says Heidi Fedak, the   hours, which is significant for our  in-class capabilities make it the
        company’s Director of Corporate     customers.
        Communications,  in  an  interview                                     ideal platform for special missions
                                               The  G500  offers  a  multitude  aircraft  as  evidenced  by  orders
        to Arun Sivasankaran. The opti-     of layouts to create distinct living  from  Italy,  the  Polish  Ministry  of
        mism about the market prospects     areas that can include office and  Defense and the Beijing Red Cross
        of the two new large-cabin aircraft   conferencing space as well as  Emergency Medical Center.
        is based on the popularity of the   areas for resting and entertain-
        large-cabin  G650ER/G650  and       ing. Along with business aviation’s   With the economy improv-
        G550 in the regions, she adds.      first active control sidesticks, the   ing, the global demand for
           While  the  G500  is  slated  to   G500 will include 10 touchscreens
        receive  U.S.  Federal  Aviation    and incorporate a third-genera-    private jets has picked up
        Administration  type  certification   tion Gulfstream Enhanced Vision   in recent. Is that reflected
        this summer, certification for the   System, Synthetic Vision-Primary   in your orders and sales
        G600 is expected later this year.   Flight Display and Head-Up Display   as well?

        ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE                                                                 May/June 2018 | 15
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