Page 4 - AAA NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2018 Online Magazine
P. 4



        05 DAWN OF A                      27 FUTURE VISION
        NEW ERA                           Urban air mobility could

        Ultra Long-Haul flights are        bring a new dimension to
        delivering on their promise       the way we live
        09 STEADY STATE                   30 CLEAR
        Airbus is looking for an          SIGNALS
        uptick in orders for the          In the eyes of global
        A330neo                           aviation industry leaders,
                                          China is becoming the
        13 BIOFUEL                        world’s most exciting
        REVOLUTION                        market
        The momentum for
        sustainable aviation fuels        32 CHANGING
        is now unstoppable                COURSE
                                          Bombardier’s focus will
        17 IN A                           now be on business jets                                            13
        SPIRAL                            34 MRO NEWS
        Jet Airways is struggling
        to maintain level flight           36 AIRLINE NEWS

        19 IT’S BOOM TIME                 38 COLUMN
        Manufacturers of flight            Graham Grose
        simulators have seen a
        surge in business

        23 SPREADING ITS
        Avocet Aviation Services
        is looking for new MRO
        opportunities                                                                                        23

        4 | November/December 2018                                                  
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