Page 25 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2019 Online Magazine
P. 25

         For instance, we have found a passionate and innovative partner in  Is the company planning partnerships
         the City of Chicago, where Mayor Rahm Emanuel supported creation   with universities in Asia and other
         of an Aviation Futures Training Center to house AAR’s aviation sheet   regions? Do you think the programme
         metal program. The 12,000-square-foot facility opens in March with   can be replicated in another part of
         a cohort of students recruited from AAR partner school Aerostars   the world?
         Avion Institute, a Chicago Public School whose students are primar-  We do believe EAGLE can be replicated world-
         ily African American.Public-private partnerships provide employers   wide.  AAR  currently  isn’t  partnering  with  any
         greater access to untapped talent. I do believe once some of these   training schools abroad, but we are facilitating
         youngsters learn of these careers and the training and financial sup-  development of an aviation maintenance facility
         port available, more of them will choose aviation.            near Nagpur, India, in a joint venture with Indamer
                                                                       Aviation. Maintenance workers will receive train-
         How attractive is the programme for a student?                ing under Indamer’s CAR 147 certification and the
         Are students guaranteed a job after completing the            Government of India’s Skill Development Program
         programme?                                                    will allow hundreds of students to gain skill sets
         We have created a Support Technician job category so that students  and employment in Nagpur. However, the initial
         can earn while they learn and gain experience inside the MRO, if  group of students will receive practical training
         not on the aircraft themselves. We also offer up to $15,000 in tuition  at one of AAR’s five MRO facilities in the United
         reimbursement for students who pursue the FAA A&P mechanics  States.
         certificate. In states such as Indiana, students enrolled in Vincennes
         University’s aviation maintenance program will benefit from employer   The percentage of female A&Ps is
         training grants of up to $5,000 per person. What’s more, aircraft main-  less than 3 percent of the workforce.
         tenance and repair positions require industry certification, not four   What can be done to attract more
         years of college. That holds appeal for students eager to join the   women into the industry? The
         workforce and avoid student loan debt that can come with a bachelor’s
         degree. We grant all EAGLE graduates who are interested in working   company’s report on workforce
         for AAR an interview. But they are not required to work for us once they  shortage recommends focusing
         graduate. They will walk away with skills that are in high demand and  on the recruitment of discouraged
         portable, stackable credentials to fast-track careers at airports, OEMs  or underemployed American
         and in companion industries such as manufacturing, if they choose.  workers, military veterans, and
                                                                       underrepresented groups such as
         How many open positions do you currently have in              African Americans, and Latinos. How
         your MRO facilities? How soon do you expect to fill           achievable is this goal?
         these positions? We currently have about 400 open             There is an overall lack of awareness of aviation
         positions at our five U.S. facilities and two in Canada.      maintenance careers. People cannot choose what
         One of the major challenges in growing the workforce          they don’t know about. So, attracting veterans,
         is the dwindling interest of youngsters in aviation           women and other underrepresented workers will
         careers. Many seats in AMT schools within the U.S.            require intense, consistent outreach, improved
                                                                       visibility of aviation careers, and more educa-
         currently go unfilled. What can be done to counter the        tion and training initiatives with employer grant
         negative perceptions about hands-on skilled labor and         support and earn-while-you-learn opportunities.
         to make the industry more attractive for the youth?           Access is also key, which employers can gain
         Employers should emphasize that these jobs pay middle-class wages  through strategic partners with schools, state
         without incurring the massive debt that can come with a bachelor’s  and local economic development organizations,
         degree. That training is available and, in some cases, it’s free. That  and governments.
         having a clearly defined career path takes the guess work out of
         where you’ll end up. You’ll be able to track your success every step   How much has the delay in FAA’s
         of the way. And that these are high-demand jobs in an industry that   revamp of its Part 147 training
         it a key driver of the economy. Recruitment has been challenged by   requirements affected the industry?
         negative perceptions of hands-on skilled labor. But we’re starting to   Part  147  has  not  changed  significantly  in  50
         see an uptick in promotion of applies skills and trades to youth at an   years, and that has put the onus on employers to
         earlier age, and outreach to discouraged workers to enroll in training   design and provide instruction aligned with indus-
         for jobs that are available now. Among proponents of higher education,   try demands in addition to the FAA mandates.
         there is a growing recognition of the post-secondary achievements of   The FAA is currently working on adopting new
         students entering industry-certificated and non-certificated careers   Airman Certification Standards. The prescriptive
         that do not require a four-year degree. There’s also been improved,   curriculum language should be removed to allow
         aggregate access to information about aviation skills credentials and   educational institutions the flexibility to develop
         certifications online. The promise of a bachelor’s degree leading to   relevant industry-based curriculum using today’s
         a good job eclipsed the career aspirations of countless Millennials   educational design methodologies, not the 1900
         graduating with four-year degrees following the recession. A two-year   hours that is in the current FAA regulation that
         degree or industry certification as a pathway to a good paying job is   correlates time in the classroom to educational
         gaining popularity among next gen workers.                    outcomes.

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