Page 32 - AAA OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2019 Online Magazine
P. 32



                                                                                Designed with a digital future in mind,
                                                                                the A350-1000 is the most modern
                                                                                widebody aircraft in service today. And
                                                                                will be for decades to come. Based on
                                                                                a clean-sheet design and integrating
                                                                                latest cutting-edge technologies, the
                                                                                A350-1000 efficiently flies over 400
                                                                                passengers  in  the  quietest  and  most
                                                                                comfortable cabin, all with 25% lower
                                                                                fuel burn and CO 2  emissions. Making
                                                                                the A350-1000 not only the smart
                                                                                choice – but the responsible choice too.
                                                                                The A350-1000. The future is here.
                                                                                Ground-breaking. We make it fly.

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