Page 9 - AAA OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2019 Online Magazine
P. 9


         Brimming with                                                 ness. With the Internet of Things (IoT), the

                                                                       idea became commercially viable, but it took
                                                                       a while before the aviation industry started
                                                                       paying attention. The interest in digital twins
                                                                       has spiked in recent years, not only in the case
                                                                       of OEMs but also carriers and MROs, thanks to
                                                                       the introduction of new generation aircraft, the
                                                                       enormous amounts of data that they generate,
         Possibilities and the giant strides made in data analytics.
                                                                       The numbers reflect the increase in interest.
         WITH AIRCRAFT OEMS REAPING THE BENEFITS                       According to a report by Grand View Research,
         OF USING DIGITAL TWINS, MROS HAVE STARTED                     the global digital twin market size is expected
         TO INVEST IN THE TECHNOLOGY AS WELL                           to reach USD 26.07 billion by 2025, growing
                                                                       at a CAGR of 38.2% over the forecast years.
                                                                       A digital twin is a virtual, state-full representa-
           Arun Sivasankaran
                                                                       tion of a physical object or system across its
        In an industry where any idea that minimizes aircraft downtime   life-cycle (design, build, operate) using oper-
        is worth its weight in gold, the excitement around the concept of   ational real-time data and other sources. The
        digital twins and the growing use of it in predictive maintenance   virtual replica or mirror image of physical air-
        hasn’t come as a surprise for industry watchers.               plane parts works in tandem with real time data
        The concept of a digital twin has been around for more than a   to accurately predict how they will perform over
        decade, but there was a question mark over its cost effective-  the lifecycle of the aircraft.  While a digital twin
                                                                       provides a digital representation of the “current
                                                                       state” of a manufactured product or system at
                                                                       any given point in time, a digital thread is the
                                                                       digital record of all “states” of a manufactured
                                                                       product or system over time.  The digital record
                                                                       helps in asset production, operation, planning
                                                                       of repair and also eventual retirement of the

                                                                       Showing the Way
                                                                       As is to be expected, it was the OEMs that took
                                                                       the lead. In September last year, Boeing CEO
                                                                       Dennis Muilenburg told investors in California
                                                                       that the company had been able to achieve up
                                                                       to a 40% improvement in first-time quality of

         ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE                                              October/November/December 2019 | 9
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