Page 14 - AAA SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2021 Online Magazine
P. 14
than 30 engine types, large existing customer
base with +1400 customers with predominantly
long-term contracts, less exposure to the wide-
body market and high operational flexibility to
shifting market trends in term of engine- and
workscope mix have all been factors support-
ing MTU’s MRO position during the pandemic.
If you see this in combination with being part of
a financially strong parent – MTU Aero Engines
– and strong Q1 2020 workload situation, we
look to the future with confidence and firmly
believe in the recovery of our industry.
In 2019, MTU Maintenance Zhuhai
added LEAP engine MRO to its capa-
bilities. In view of the fact that the
vast majority of new engine deliver-
ies in the current decade is projected
to be for narrow bodies, do you plan
on enhancing the company’s narrow- estimates, a workforce of around 600 qualified employees. The
body engine overhaul capacity? new facility will operate under MTU Maintenance Zhuhai and its
licenses and approvals.
As mentioned above, we are already well set up
for the next generation of narrowbody engines. How far along is MTU Maintenance in incorporating
The LEAP family is being introduced at MTU digital technologies such as predictive maintenance
Maintenance Zhuhai, where we are currently in operations? Do you concur with the view that
focusing on the ramp-up of the program. And companies that do better in its digitization efforts
we have added PW1100G-JM capabilities will be able to come out of the pandemic stronger?
there too, which will make this the third dis-
assembly, assembly, and test facility in our
network for this engine type. We also carry out Digital innovation does not mean success is guaranteed, but it is
PW1100G-JM repairs at two further facilities. definitely better to be exploring this field than not participating.
Together with our joint venture partner China As alluded to earlier, we have been investing heavily in our digital
Southern Airlines we are establishing a second customer touchpoints to improve the overall customer experi-
engine MRO facility in China in nearby Jinwan. ence. In particular, we are exploring the use of artificial intelligence
The facility will have an initial capacity of up to throughout our maintenance processes. The combination of data
260 shop visits. from 20,000+ shop visits, our web-based Engine Trend Monitoring
system and machine learning tools will be very powerful going
In Zhuhai, we have focused on gaining expe- forward. Our agile approach will definitely unlock several benefits
rience since the program was introduced in of digitalization.
2019. For instance, focusing on quick turns for
the LEAP engine family. We are still optimistic The biggest development, however, has been the creation of our
with the mid-to-long term market outlook for engine fleet management planning tool. Our engine trend moni-
LEAP engine types and are very pleased to be toring tool was introduced in 2006 and is continually developed.
part of the CFMI repair network. We are now taking it to the next level and integrating it into engine
fleet management software to support our customers. Using this
The Asia Pacific region is driving software, an intelligent maintenance costing and planning tool, we
both fleet and MRO growth. Does generate engine fleet management scenarios and workscopes.
Smart predictions by use of artificial intelligence enable custom-
the company have expansion plans ized, immediate, and proactive MRO planning options that are not
specific to the region? currently available elsewhere on the market. Fleet planning sce-
narios can be immediately and endlessly adapted as the financial,
Yes, as mentioned earlier, we are in the pro- technical, operational, environmental, and market considerations
cess of planning a second facility at MTU continually change – as we are experiencing on a daily basis at
Maintenance Zhuhai. MTU Maintenance this time.
Zhuhai’s Jinwan Branch will focus on Pratt &
Whitney narrowbody engines, have its own We strongly believe that digital services will support an effective
65,000 lbf test cell and, according to current post COVID-19 industry restart.
14 | September/October 2021 WWW .GBP .COM.SG/ AAA