Page 10 - AAA JULY / SEPTEMBER 2023 Latest Magazine | GBP
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       In Growth Mode

            oing into COVID, Cathay Pacific Airways, despite   What are the fleet plans going forward?
        G the turmoil in Hong Kong was flying high from
        virtually every aspect. The pandemic devastated the   We have ordered A321neo and A320neos and they will
        airline with China’s strict quarantine requirements sti-  be delivered through to 2029. So that brings our total
        fling efforts to get the airline back on its feet after the   new aircraft on order to more than 70, which will be
        pandemic.                                             on top of the fleet that we currently have. So, including
                                                              some 777-9 we have quite a substantial order to take
        Asian Airlines & Aerospace Editor Geoffrey Thomas     in the coming years. We plan to take all of the 777-9,
        satdown with new Cathay Pacific Airways CEO Ronald    and we’re committed to it. The schedule currently is for
        Lam to discuss the airline’s recovery and future direc-  the first aircraft to arrive in 2025. And we’ve been in
        tions. Lam has held a series of senior positions      constant dialogue with Boeing. We hope and we believe
        with Cathay Pacific. From 2013 to 2017,               it will be on schedule, and we need this new flagship
        he wasthe Director and GM of HAECO                       aircraft for our long-haul routes by that time. So we
        and was then appointed Director                          look forward to getting them.
        Commercial and Cargo, a position he
        held till July 2019. His next appointment                 We will be exploring different options, but currently
        was as Chief Customer and Commercial                      I don’t think we have anything to share when it
        Officer, from August 2019 through to                      comes to our freighter plan. Currently, we have 20
        December 2022. Lam joined the airline as                 747 freighters, and as we rebuild, we’ll be looking
        a Management Trainee in 1996 and has                    at various options for the future when it comes to
        since held a number of manage-                              the freighter fleet because Hong Kong, as you
        rial roles in Hong Kong and                                    know, is the number one air cargo hub of the
        overseas.                                                       world in terms of volume, and we are fully
                                                                        committed to supporting the Hong Kong’s
        Cathay Pacific Airways                                          leading status as an air cargo hub.
        announced a profit for
        the  first  time  in  three                                        Coming out of COVID, what changes are
        years in August for the  Cathay Pacific Airways CEO Ronald Lam     you seeing in the routes and passenger
        first  half  of  2023.The                                          expectations? What changes has the air-
        net profit figure was HK$4.26 billion (US$546 million).   line sensed and what do you feel is going to be the
        However, the figure included a one-off gain of HK$1.9   post-COVID world for Cathay?
        billion from Cathay’s dilution of its interest in Air China
        shares from 18.13 per cent to 16.26 per cent. This result   I would say it’s still early days, and we are seeing a lot of
        is in stark contrast to a loss for the same period last   pent-up demand when it comes to business travel and
        year, of HK$4.99 billion. The airline racked up losses   leisure travel. And in terms of behavior, I think apart
        of HK$33.7 billion in losses over the three years of the   from seeing a lot of pent-up demand, I currently do not
        pandemic.                                             sense a structural change in travel behavior. I think the
                                                              corporates travelers are still traveling as what they did
        Cathay Pacific was probably more impacted by COVID    before COVID. The leisure travelers are still traveling as
        than any other airline, as far as returning to normal.   per what they did before COVID. So, it is too early to
        What’s the situation with your fleet?                 say, but there was a fear before COVID that a lot of the
                                                              business travel, for example, would die down because
        As of end of June, our total fleet across the group is   of the usage of video and all that.
        225, and at that time we still had 25 aircraft parked
        in Alice Springs, Australia. Well, it’s now less than 10   Can you give us a bit of an update on where your cabin
        per cent of our fleet. And as of today actually, we’re   product refresh is going?
        running down to 21. Yeah. And our plan is to bring
        all of them back sometime by first half of next year.   I think it’s first probably worth saying that I think we
        Yeah, I think gradually we’ll run it down and then it will   couldn’t  invest  for  three  years  because  of  COVID,
        become a history.                                     because we were the hardest hit airline of the world

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