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the RSAF A330 MRTT's first overseas exer-
cise but was also the first time that refuelling
operations are conducted at this exercise. The
A330 MRTT was also used as in its transport
configuration for XFS 2019, while ferrying 130 [ ANALYSIS ]
passengers and cargo from Singapore to Idaho
over a 20 hour flight. This marked the longest
distance flown by the type since its induction
into RSAF service, as well as carrying the most
amount of cargo and passengers. Training air-
crew for mid-air tanking operations makes use
of simulators and actual training on the aircraft.
This is aided by the fact that the boom operator
now has recourse to a remote camera system
and 3-D goggles which provide the depth per- The A330-MRTT’s Universal Aerial Refuelling Receptacle Slipway
ception required for tanking, which replace Installation (UARRSI), also allows it to receive fuel from another
the glass window on the KC-135R. The highly tanker aircraft. This affords the tanker with an increase in endur-
automated system includes visual aids, so that ance and range for extended operations. The greater cargo and
the boom operator can see the position of the passenger capacity of the A330-MRTT will afford the RSAF with
"receiver” and automatically disconnects from greater operational flexibility and ability to assist in international
the "receiver" if the latter moves out of the safe humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HADR) and peace
zone for refuelling. The use of infra-red cam- support operations. The A330-MRTT can carry up to 37,000 kg
eras for air-to-air refuelling at night is also much of cargo or 266 personnel. When required, the aircraft can also
safer. KC-135R crews undertake a 4.5-month be equipped with medical equipment for aero-medical evacuation
overseas course prior to moving on to opera- missions.
tions on the A330-MRTT.
A New Era in Fighter Training
Airforces worldwide will soon have an option to send aircrew for
Lead-In to Fighter Training (LIFT), prior to sending them onto board
of latest generation fighters such as the Eurofighter or F-35. The
Italian Air Force's International Flight Training School (IFTS) is
getting ready to receive its first students at the Galatina Air Force
base. The primary aim of the IFTS is to make use of the Italian Air
Force's extensive and consolidated flight training expertise and
Leonardo's integrated training expertise to deliver advanced top
level training for the modern air forces at reduced costs.
The training school has already received three out of four M-346s
(owned by Leonardo) and the Italian has already ordered 18. The
The A330-MRTTs have replaced the RSAF’s M-346’s Integrated Training System (ITS) comprises full state-of-art
KC-135R aerial tankers and enhance its ability ground based training devices, including Full Mission Simulators,
to provide Air-to-Air refuelling support during forefront LVC – Live, Virtual, Constructive – environment with built-in
operations. The older platform has been pro- Embedded Tactical Training Simulation (ETTS). IFTS will also
gressively drawn down since September 2018. start taking deliveries of the new M-345 later this year. The M-345
The KC-135R Stratotankers were operational will be used for used for phase II and III of the training syllabus.
since December 2000 and the final oper- Decimomannu Air Base in Sardinia (Italy), will be the location for
ational flight of the fleet took place in June Phase IV training of the syllabus, which is expected to start from
2019. Originally built as the KC-135A for the end 2021.
United States Air Force, these aircraft were
refurbished and modified into the KC-135R The first civilian pilots have started training to become qualified
Stratotankers, which were acquired by the instructors for students. Some of the advanced training that can
RSAF in 1997. These upgraded KC-135Rs be provided to pilots includes training for air-to-air refuelling (AAR),
were delivered by Boeing to the RSAF's Peace missions with the use of special night vision goggles (NVG); train-
Guardian Detachment in McConnell Air Force ing for beyond visual range (BVR) air-to-air engagements and use
Base, Kansas, in 1999. of helmet with data projection display (HMD). The training facility
The A330-MRTT can refuel both drogue-re- located in south-eastern Italy also makes use of sophisticated
fuelled and boom-refuelled platforms. It can simulation devices courtesy Leonardo's Ground Based Training
carry 111,000 kg of fuel not only for its own System (GBTS), which help save precious flight hours otherwise
use but also for offload to its receiver aircraft. completed on a much more expensive front-line fighter aircraft.
ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY January/February 2020 | 19