Page 6 - ADT JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2020 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 6

istics ahead of the strike, using advanced AI and deep-learning
                                                       During flight, the pilot selects the target type to be attacked and
                                                     allocates a target to each weapon. The weapons are launched
                                                     towards the vicinity of the targets, using their INS for initial naviga-  [ REPORT ]
                                                     tion. When approaching the target area, the weapons use the ATR
                                                     mode for detection and recognition of the targets. Each weapon
                                                     homes-in on the pre-defined target, either autonomously or with
                                                     a human-in-the-loop, aided by the ATR algorithm.
                                                       The combination of the increased loadout of Spice-250, the
                                                     unique homing methods for various scenarios, and the effective
                                                     75kg warhead, enables a high volume, autonomous and precise
                                                     strike capability against multiple target types, with an assured very
                                                     low collateral damage.
        Ship – The Next Generation competition.
          U.K's  Minister  for  Defence  Procurement   Spice-250 uses a common aircraft interface and sophisticated
        James Heappey said, "The astonishing pace at   Smart Quad Rack (SQR) which simplifies the effort needed for
        which global threats are evolving requires new   aircraft integration. Four Spice-250 weapons are carried on each
        approaches and fresh-thinking to the way we   SQR. Spice-250 can be directly mounted on light attack aircraft
        develop our ideas and technology. The funding   store stations, thanks to its small size and light weight.
        will research pioneering projects into how A.I   Rafael also has developed a suite for future armored vehicles
        and automation can support our armed forces   which provides a shared visual language, autonomous mission
        in their essential day-to-day work.          execution and manoeuvrability, and Artificial Intelligence to support
           Intelligent  Ship  is  focused  on  inventive   decision-making. Enabling crew communication without helmets or
        approaches for Human-AI and AI-AI teaming    glasses, it delivers an exceptional user interface. Also functioning
        for defence platforms – such as warships, air-  as an embedded trainer, it allows cost-effective training even during
        craft, and land vehicles – in 2040 and beyond."  mission preparation.
                                                       A visual language with AR symbols shared over the tactical
        Israel in the Forefront                      network allows GPS-independent, pinpoint targeting, while AI
                                                     algorithms and data fusion enable decision support. The system
        Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), one of Israel’s   selects optimal routes, plans missions, detects and simultaneously
        largest arms companies, has long been devel-  manages multiple targets, and enables the crew to continuously
        oping  increasingly  autonomous  weapons,    alter autonomy levels.
        including the Harpy. Israel's Rafael Advanced   RAFAEL’s suite for future armored vehicles delivers full situa-
        Defense System recently enabled its Spice
        250  with  artificial  intelligence  alongside
        automatic target recognition to be used with
        scene-matching technology. The Spice 250,
        which can be deployed on quad racks under the
        wings of warplanes like the F-16, has a 75-kilo-
        gram warhead and a maximum range of 100
        kilometers with its deployable wings.

        Spice (250, 1000, 2000) is a family of stand-off,
        autonomous, air-to-ground weapon systems
        that attack targets with pinpoint accuracy and
        at high attack volumes, without depending on
        GPS navigation in GPS-denied environments.
        Spice-250 has a standoff range of 100 kilome-
        ters, and can be equipped with either general
        purpose or penetration 75kg class warhead.  tional awareness via a modular set of sensors, and a transparent
        This new and unique ATR capability is part  cockpit touchscreen providing a 360° battlefield view. The solu-
        of Spice-250’s array of technologies which  tion is adaptable to any platform or weapon/sensor system from
        includes Automatic Target Acquisition (ATA)  any vendor, including RAFAEL’s TROPHY APS, SPIKE ATGMs,
        and Moving-Target-Detection homing modes,  SAMSON RCWS, and FIRE WEAVER  networked attack system.
        all of which are based on autonomous elec-     RAFAEL’s suite for future armored vehicles provides a shared
        tro-optic Scene-Matching Algorithms.         visual language, autonomous mission execution and manoeuvrabil-
           The newly-unveiled ATR feature is a tech-  ity, and Artificial Intelligence to support decision-making. Enabling
        nological breakthrough, enabling Spice-250 to  crew communication without helmets or glasses, it delivers an
        effectively learn the specific target character-  exceptional user interface. Also functioning as an embedded trainer,

        6 | January/February 2020                                                  WWW .GBP .COM.SG/ ADT
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