Page 4 - ADT AUGUST 2021 Online Magazine
P. 4

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                        YEAR                       EDITOR’S NOTE

                     LINE                        A Rising Global Power

                                                 The sanctions imposed on it by the U.S. over the deployment of
                        Editor                   Russia's  S-400  SAM  system  have  ended  up  being  a  blessing  in
                  Vittorio Rossi Prudente        disguise for Turkey. Forced to change some of its military plans due to
           the sanctions and the ongoing political tussle with the U.S., Turkey has
                     Deputy Editor               responded positively to adversity, thanks to a rapidly growing defence
                      Jay Menon                  industry that has ensured that the country’s defence needs are met. By
                   refusing to bow down to pressure from the U.S. and depending on
                                                 local companies to meet its military needs, the country has proved to
                   Technology Editor
                      Atul Chandra               the world that the capabilities of it defence companies are second to
                    Managing Editor              The 15th International Defence Industry Fair (IDEF’21) takes place in
                   Arun Sivasankaran             the backdrop of the significant progress Turkey has made in terms of
                                                 modernizing its armed forces. A key strategic shift that has yielded
                    Jakarta Bureau               results is the move away from arms imports and the focus on enabling
                    Yulian Ardiansyah            the domestic defence sector not just to meet the country’s military
                    Correspondent                needs but to become a major exporter of next-generation weapons.
                                                 According to SIPRI, Turkey’s arms exports jumped by 240 percent in
                     Contributors                the period from 2010 to 2019.  The international success of companies
                     Nassim Ait Idir             such as Turkish Aerospace, Roketsan, Aselsan and Baykar is proof of
                                                 the fact that Turkey’s stature as an exporter of arms is set to grow even
                      Art Director
                   Miamica Khonglah              more in the future.
                                                 With global progress being made against the pandemic due to
                     Web Director                vaccination, military and defence industry trade shows, which were
                     Elmer Valencia              conspicuous by their absence through much of 2020, have started to
                                                 make a comeback. At GBP Aerospace & Defence,  we remain
                  Circulation Manager            committed to top notch journalism.
                   Akshay Satyamurthy
          Please visit to get the latest news and views, not
                                                 just in English but also in Arabic and Indonesian.

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                   Akshay Satyamurthy                               ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY
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        ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY is a bi-monthly publication for diplomats and professionals in the defence, security and academic fields. Opinions
        expressed by the contributors in Asian Defence Technology do not necessarily represent those of the publisher or editor. © GBP Pte. Ltd. All rights
        reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without written permission

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