Page 18 - ADT FEBRUARY - MARCH 2021 Online Magazine
P. 18


           IDEX AND




           TO DEFENCE


        Amid the Covid-19 buzz, the United  These additions have increased the  for military use.
        Arab Emirates is all set to welcome  number of countries taking part in  IDEX 2021, NAVDEX 2021, and the
        the heads of state, heads of govern-  IDEX and NAVDEX 2021 to over 60  International Defence Conference are
        ment, ministers and senior civilian  nations, with 1,300 defence compa-  organised by the Abu Dhabi National
        and military authorities coming to Abu  nies due to take part.         Exhibitions  Company  (ADNEC),
        Dhabi to attend IDEX and NAVDEX                                        in cooperation with the Ministry of
        2021,  the most important defence  “SUCH PARTICIPATION                 Defence and the General Command
        industry show in the Middle East.   DEMONSTRATES ABU DHABI’S           of the UAE Armed Forces. The events
                                            INTERNATIONAL POSITION             showcase the latest developments
        The 15th edition of the International   AND ITS ABILITY TO ATTRACT A   in the defence sector. The show will
        Defence Exhibition, popularly known   WIDE RANGE OF NATIONS TO         highlight the latest in military technol-
        as  IDEX,  is  being  held  at  the  Abu   PARTICIPATE IN ONE OF THE   ogy, fast-tracking the development of
        Dhabi  National  Exhibition  Centre                                    the national defence sector.
        (ADNEC).  The  exhibitions  will  see   GLOBALLY LEADING EVENTS
        the participation of five new coun-  IN THE DEFENCE SECTOR,            The organisers are confident that this
        tries for the first time in the history of   IN SPITE OF THE ONGOING   will be the first major global defence
        the exhibitions: Israel, Luxembourg,  CONDITIONS IMPOSED BY THE        event during the recovery phase
        Macedonia, Portugal, and Azerbaijan.  COVID-19 PANDEMIC,”              of the pandemic and that it will be
                                            its organisers say.                a face-to-face rather than a virtual
                                                                               event. To achieve this, the 133,000
                                            The show will also be attended by  square metres of exhibition space in
                                            purchasing managers from defence  its 12 halls are being reconfigured to
                                            ministries and executives from com-  allow the latest products developed
                                            panies from all over the world, who  by the manufacturers of weapons
                                            have chosen the opportunity provided  systems, such as vehicles and battle
                                            by the Emirates to close multi-million  tanks, missiles of different capaci-
                                            dollar contracts for the acquisition  ties, drones and all types of logistics
                                            of weapons systems, logistics equip-  equipment, to be displayed in maxi-
                                            ment and cutting-edge technologies  mum security conditions.

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