Page 5 - ADT JANUARY 2021 Online Magazine
P. 5

Mission                                      “THE POLICY AIMS TO ACHIEVE A TURNOVER                        [ REPORT ]
                                                     OF INR1750 BILLION (USD32407.41 MILLION),
                                                     INCLUDING EXPORT OF INR350 BILLION, IN
                                                     AEROSPACE AND DEFENCE GOODS AND SERVICES
        Exports                                      BY 2025.” A senior Defence Ministry official told Asian
                                                     Defence Technology.

                                                     India, which was hitherto among the top importers of arms, has in
                                                     2020 entered the list of top 20 exporters of defence equipment in
                                                     the latest SIPRI report.  The Indian aerospace and defence industry
                                                     is standing up to the demands for self-reliance in arming the Indian
         INDIA ENTERS THE BIG LEAGUE,                armed forces and also boosting its business by exporting to friendly
         JOINS LIST OF TOP 20 EXPORTERS              foreign nations, ably aided by policies and faster decision-making
                                                     and approvals from the government. “We witnessed a staggering
         OF DEFENCE EQUIPMENT                        700 per cent growth in defence exports from INR 15.21 billion in
                                                     2016-17 to Rs 107.5 billion in 2018-19…an all-time high ranking of
                                                     19th in the list of defence exporters in 2019,” Chief of Defence
           Jay Menon
                                                     Staff General Bipin Rawat said recently during an e-symposium
                                                     on 'Catalyzing Defence Exports’.
        India’s long-standing ambition of becoming one
        of the leading exporters of defence equipment  Defence Minister Rajnath Singh had in last August announced a
        is slowly, but steadily, becoming a reality. The  major policy decision about the imposition of a phase-wise ban on
        government has formulated a draft Defence  the import of 101 military weapons systems and platforms in order
        Production and Export Promotion Policy 2020  to promote the domestic defence industry. “We cannot depend
        as an overarching guiding document to provide  on foreign governments, foreign suppliers and foreign defence
        a focused, structured and significant thrust to  products to meet our defence needs. It is not compatible with
        defence production capabilities of the country  the objectives and feelings of a strong and ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’,
        for self-reliance and exports.               (self-reliant India)” he had said.

        ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY                                                                    January 2021 | 5
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