Page 15 - ADT SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2021 Online Magazine
P. 15
Iron-Clad [ AIR SYSTEMS ]
SOUTH KOREA HAS STEPPED UP ITS FOCUS of the most volatile of regions.
ON ENHANCING MISSILE DEFENCE CAPABILITIES In September, both the neighbors tested bal-
listic missiles within three hours off each other,
EVEN AS ITS MILITARY RAMPS UP ITS OFFENSIVE with North Korea, predicably, being the first to
CAPABILITIES kickstart the action. After Pyongyang fired two
ballistic missiles into the waters off the east
Arun Sivasankaran coast of the Korean Peninsula, South Korea
fired a new submarine-launched ballistic mis-
sile (SLBM) from the submerged 3,700-ton
With South Korea providing proof of its improved strike capabilities submarine ROKS Dosan Ahn Changho, thus
by successfully test-launching a missile from a submarine, and becoming the eighth military in the world, and
North Korea getting busy with its own ballistic missile tests after the only one not to have a nuclear weapon, to
a lull, temperature levels are rising rapidly in what is already one successfully test a SLBM.
ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY September / Octobert 2021 | 15