Page 14 - ADT JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2021 Online Magazine
P. 14

as its builds up its military strength.  In September, the country hit  reportedly also developed a submarine large   [ REPORT ]
        international headlines when it became the first country without  enough to carry ballistic missiles and is working
        nuclear weapons to develop and successfully test a conventional  on a railway-based missile launching system.
        submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM). According to sources,
        the missile is a variant of the country's ground-based Hyunmoo-2B
        ballistic missile, with a flight range of about 500 km. The test of the   Sensing an Opportunity
        SLBM follows the 2020 development of the Hyunmoo-4 missile,    The eagerness on the part of other nations in
        which has an 800 km range and is capable of carrying a 2-ton   the region to counter China by buying arms
        payload.                                                       is  welcome news for defence  contractors
                                                                       around the world. With international sales of
        South Korea has also unveiled other new missiles, including a   U.S. military equipment falling to US$138 billion
        supersonic cruise missile.                                     in the latest fiscal year from US$175 billion, a
                                                                       significant fall of 21 per cent compared to the
        The country also has plans to build three submarines, with reports   previous year, companies in other regions sense
        indicating that one of them, the largest, could be a nuclear sub-  an opportunity, especially since arms exports
        marine. The first two will be powered by diesel engines and will   by Russia and China have declined in the 2016-
        have a displacement of 3,000 tons and 3,600 tons respectively.     2020 period. According to the Stockholm
        As part of a larger plan to increase its capabilities in space and to   International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI),
        cooperate with the U.S. in the domain, plans to launch a spy satellite   export of weapons by Russia, which accounted
        by the late 2020s are also on the anvil. Meanwhile, North Korea,   for 20 per cent of all exports of major arms
        which has, over the last two years, successfully test-fired an SLBM   from 2016–2020, dropped by 22 per cent to
        from the sea and unveiled a new SLBM design. The country has   about the same level as in 2006–10, mainly
                                                                       due to a 53 per cent fall in its arms exports to
                                                                       India. China was the world’s fifth largest arms
                                                                       exporter in 2016–2020, but the country, which
                                                                       mainly sold weapons to Pakistan, Bangladesh,
                                                                       and Algeria, saw exports fall by 7.8 per cent
                                                                       during the period.

                                                                       The U.S. is still the largest arms exporter, even
                                                                       after the decrease in the last year, and Russia
                                                                       is second, with France and Germany occupy-
                                                                       ing the third and fourth places. In 2016-2020,
                                                                       France increased its exports of major arms by
                                                                       44 per cent and accounted for 8.2 per cent
                                                                       of global arms exports while Germany saw its
                                                                       export of arms shoot up 21 per cent during
                                                                       the same period. Interestingly, India and South
                                                                       Korea were among the countries receiving the
                                                                       bulk of weapons from France and Germany.

        14 | January/February 2022                                                 WWW .GBP .COM.SG/ ADT
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