Page 18 - ADT SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2022 Online Magazine
P. 18
With electronic warfare (EW) capabilities In the air domain, the company has seen a surge in interest for its
becoming a major part of modern military land- stand-alone and integrated products that are platform agnostic and
scape, Elettronica, producer of state-of-the-art protect all sizes and types of military aircraft. Among the products
EW systems that save lives and protect plat- most in demand are the ELT162 fully digital radar warning receiver
forms, sees an opportunity to further enhance (RWR), and the new generation Electronic Support Measures (ESM)
its already considerable global footprint. ALR733 family. Once threats are detected, they can be jammed with
Elettronica advanced Electronic Counter Measures (ECM) jammer
For more than seven decades, the company family.
has been at the forefront of developing and
applying advanced electronic warfare capa- Detection and jamming capabilities are combined in the company’s
bilities and is regarded as a global leader in Virgilius integrated system that can be installed internally in fixed-
Electromagnetic Support Operations (EMSO). and rotary-wing aircraft. The EDGE Escort Jamming and Airborne
Besides its products in the EW domain, the com- Electronic Attack pod, which is for customers that prefer an exter-
pany has also worked with militaries around the nally mounted system, performs electronic protection and attack for
world to help them develop their EW capabil- individual aircraft and formations. Furthermore, it can be used as a
signals intelligence gathering system, providing three systems in one.
ities at a time when modern-day threats are The company’s ELT/577 Directional Infrared Countermeasure (DIRCM),
evolving at a breakneck pace and conflicts are which is based on Quantum Cascade Laser advanced technology,
increasingly being decided on the basis of who protects fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft from infrared-guided threats.
achieves electronic supremacy of the battle- Another one of the company’s major capabilities is the Electronic
field. Intelligence (ELINT) system, including the Specific Emitter Identification
(SEI) function to recognize in a “unique way” the footprint of a trans-
Elettronica’s EMSO solutions are present on mitter associated to a specific platform.
platforms in all major regions and cover every
military domain, from air to naval, ground, space Elettronica has over the years provided an Integrated EW Suite (ESM/
and cyber. The company is an integral partner ECM) and DIRCM for CSAR helo of the Italian Air Force, and a SIGINT
in the Integrated Self-Defence Systems (ISDSs) system and DIRCM on a Middle East customer’s wide body aircraft.
on the Eurofighter Typhoon combat aircraft and In May 2021, the company announced that it had signed a contract
NH-90 medium-lift helicopter. The company is with Fincantieri for the EW Suite of the new submarines of the Italian
also currently working on developing the ISDS Navy, as part of the framework of the U212 NFS Programme man-
for the Tempest combat aircraft. aged by OCCAR (Organisation Conjointe de Coopération en matière
d’Armement). The contract includes the provision of two suites for the
first batch of platforms, with an option for two additional systems for
future batches. Elettronica, which is also a supplier of the Electronic
Warfare equipment in the framework of FREMM and PPA Programmes
managed by OCCAR, is now positioned to extend cooperation to EU
co-funded projects.
With space becoming a war domain, Elettronica has established a
major presence in the Space EW domain as well. The company is
offering a suite of solutions that are tailored to protect satellites and
users depending on access to space-based services. To minimize the
threat of Covid-19 in military platforms and barracks, the company
introduced the E4Shield system that is used to protect interior spaces
by using electromagnetic waves to kill the virus without posing a risk
to humans.