Page 16 - ADT MARCH 2023 Latest Magazine | GBP
P. 16

through deploying Shandong. These warga-     Taiwan without having to wage full-scale war. Koh noted that the
        mes demonstrated that the PLA Navy is a much  PLA’s recent exercise took place in peacetime and without active
        better-resourced and coordinated outfit com-  Taiwanese resistance. “In a real wartime scenario, a PLA air and naval
        pared, to say, the Taiwan Strait crises in the  blockade has no guaranteed means of success given the threat
        1990s. The ability to surge naval and air assets  posed by Taiwan’s air, naval and missile forces. In other words, you
        in significant quantity at short notice for these  can expect the PLA blockade to be contested, and Beijing’s military
        manoeuvres speaks of the PLA’s growing criti-  planners have to seek to neutralise those defensive elements that
        cal mass of platforms…” Koh further observed:  the island can tap, likely in conjunction with the US and potentially
        “There are signs of better coordination between  also regional allies like Japan.”
        the PLA services, which can be attributed to
        past reforms undertaken. The PLA forces are  The Singaporean academic concluded: “Therefore, the wargames
        still learning the ropes of force integration and  against Taiwan may not have truly manifested the real challenges
        joint operations, and the Taiwan contingencies  that the PLA may face in times of war; it no longer suffices to just
        provide the opportunity to refine such training.”  deploy forces to encircle the island, because they’ll be challenged
                                                     by Taiwan, the US and her allies throughout the Western Pacific the-
        Such exercises are part of China’s “silkworm  atre – not just a localised campaign zone around Taiwan.” Taiwan’s
        eating”  strategy,  whereby  China  inexorably  Deputy Foreign Minister Roy Chun Lee agreed that China is more
        reduces Taiwan’s space for manoeuvre. In 2022,  likely to economically blockade Taiwan than to launch an all-out
        China sent 1,727 fighters, bombers and UAVs into  military invasion. Lee said Taipei’s planning to respond to a blockade
        Taiwan’s air defence identification zone, com-  had begun, and that stockpiling of critical materials and products
        pared to 960 intrusions in 2021 and 380 in 2020.  has accelerated over the past two years.

        Unfortunately, action-reaction dynamics in the   A US Indo-Pacific Command briefing slide viewed by Asian Defence
        Taiwan Strait are rising, with both blatant mili-  Technology starkly listed the consequences of China assimilating
        tary threats and grey zone tactics from China.   Taiwan by force or otherwise. China would gain: a major “rejuvena-
        One example was China’s April announcement   tion” victory; extraordinary new legitimacy for Xi and the party; an
        from maritime law enforcement that it would   ideological win over democracy, freedom and the West; assimilation
        board civilian vessels in the Taiwan Strait during   of a major economy; confidence in pursuing other territorial claims;
        a three-day operation to “ensure the safety   new strategic advantages in projecting military power; domination
        of vessel navigation”. This operation did not   near global sea lanes and chokepoints; control over Taiwan’s critical
        proceed, but it illustrates China’s intention to   technology (e.g. semiconductors); greater international deference
        control even the high seas. Another instance   to China’s comprehensive national power; and momentum for new
        was Chinese vessels damaging two sea cables   forms of assertiveness.
        near Taiwan’s Matsu Islands in February, cutting
        off the internet. Such intimidating measures by   For many years, the USA has been observing Taiwanese exercises,
        China will only intensify in the future. Chairman   rendering technical assistance and assessing Taiwanese defence
        Xi Jinping has shown himself to be an authori-  preparations, and these American efforts are intensifying. Taiwan will
        tarian bully, and its warmongering and military   extend compulsory military service for all males to a one-year period
        threats are utterly shocking.                beginning in 2024. The USA remains a stalwart supplier of weapons
                                                     to Taiwan too. For example, Taipei is buying 400 Harpoon missiles for
                                                     mobile coastal batteries. These weapons illustrate Taiwan’s efforts
        Appetite for Risk                            to accelerate asymmetric warfare capabilities to deter China with
        Of course, posturing is part of China’s rhet-  the spectre of a bloody invasion. The US Navy conducted its most
        oric, designed to make Taiwan and its allies  recent transit of the Taiwan Strait with USS Milius on 16 April, the
        give up, since Xi would obviously like to seize  second of the year. Ten such transits occurred in 2022, twelve in
                                                     2021, and 15 in 2020.

         © Gordon Arthur
                                                     China’s coercive policies are only worsening the situation, creating
                                                     a serious risk that actions against Taiwan – whether grey zone or
                                                     military – will escalate into wider regional tensions or even conflict,
                                                     drawing in the USA, Japan and Australia, for example. Taiwan is a
                                                     strategic challenge with a military dimension, but it is not solely a
                                                     military challenge.

                                                     Nonetheless, Xi is intent on raising the perceived risk to intolerable
                                                     levels for anyone who might dare to intervene in a cross-Strait con-
                                                     flict. The PLA wants to keep the US military at arm’s length and to
                                                     isolate Taiwan. Many Chinese quote the idiom that when the melon
                                                     is ripe, it will fall from the tree; this implies that China believes it still
                                                     has time on its side.
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