Page 8 - ADT NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2023 Online Magazine
P. 8

Seagull is a multi-mission USV that features  partner Al Seer Marine, demonstrated the maritime autonomous
        a modular mission payload suite supporting  capabilities of a new USV (unmanned surface vessel) platform at
        Anti-Submarine Warfare, Mine Countermeasure  IDEX in Abu Dhabi.
        missions, Electronic Warfare, Maritime Security,
        underwater surveys and other missions using the   The  Al  Seer  Marine  USV  was  equipped  with  L3Harris’  ASView
        same vessel, mission control system and data   advanced autonomous control system, a Falcon-III RF-7800W
        links.                                       high-capacity line-of-sight radio with advanced SMART Antenna,
                                                     and a WESCAM MX-10MS maritime electro-optical/infrared imaging
        The Seagull USV is in service with the Israeli Navy  system. Al Seer Marine claimed that the USV is ideal for a variety of
        since 2017 and is currently in the production and  different maritime missions, including ISR (intelligence, surveillance
        deployment phase internationally.            and reconnaissance), coastal patrol and interdiction missions.

        Israel is also promoting its Katana advanced,   L3Harris has delivered more than 125 ASVs (autonomous surface
        multi-purpose, unmanned surface vessel. The   vessels) and optionally manned vehicles to defence and commer-
        Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) built Katana  cial customers throughout the world. UAE-based Milanion group
        solution provides unmanned capabilities for the  recently delivered the first USV to Greece. The USV can be configured
        entire range of Homeland Security and Naval  to loiter, patrol, report and, if required, to intercept other marine
        applications.  Katana  also  provides  manual  traffic. Several defence companies in Turkey  also have teamed up
        and fully autonomous operation, along with a  to develop new armed USVs to strengthen the country’s maritime
        modular, flexible design to suit the customer’s  defences. Turkish firms Aselsan and Sefine Shipyard unveiled the
        requirements.                                initial production of the NB57 anti-submarine warfare USV and RD09
                                                     anti-surface warfare.
        Singapore is also testing unmanned surface
        vessels  with  a  locally  developed,  AI-driven  The unmanned vessels will include gun and indigenous missile sys-
        navigation algorithm that could be used for  tems courtesy of Aselsan and Turkish missile producer Roketsan.
        maritime security operations. Though no details  NB07 will be fitted with 2×2 lightweight torpedoes, while the RD09
        of the USV is available, the defence ministry said  will have two tactical missile launchers. Turkey’s military will utilize
        the USV will be fitted with an indigenously devel-  both the NB57 USV and RD09 anti-surface warfare for missions such
        oped collision detection and avoidance system.  as autonomous reconnaissance and intelligence, surface warfare,
        The Republic of Singapore Navy is expected to  anti-submarine warfare, and protection of bases and other critical
        field four USVs to augment the layer of surveil-  facilities.
        lance and operational response for its maritime
        borders.                                     The Unmanned Surface Vehicles market is predicted to register a
                                                     CAGR of 14.34 per cent by 2027. Currently, the USVs are designed for
        The Middle East is not far behind when it comes  primary non-lethal missions, such as survey, intelligence, surveillance
        to  USVs.    L3Harris  Technologies  along  with  and reconnaissance (ISR), and mine countermeasures (MCM)..

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