Page 30 - ADT NOV - DEC 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 30
equivalent to effective strikes, Fox
wrote, adding that such strikes
often fail to achieve their objective.
“When PGMs don’t accomplish
the mission, then precision-based
warfighting requires additional
strikes and, likely, a subsequent
use of land force activities to
offset the shortcomings of preci-
sion strikes.”
Analysts expect the demand for
PGMs to cool off because of their
mixed performance in recent and
program. Among the other programs that ongoing conflicts. At an event
the DRDO is associated with are organized by CSIS, Bill LaPlante,
MBDA is intensifying its efforts the Sudarshan laser-guided bomb the Pentagon’s acquisition chief,
said that a ground-launched version
to bolster the production of kit developed by Aeronautical
ENFORCER lightweight, high-preci- Development Establishment (ADE), of an air-to-ground weapon devel-
oped for Ukraine failed to hit targets
sion missile system – ENFORCER and the Smart Anti-Airfield Weapon
Production Increase Campaign (SAAW) that was approved for because of Russian electro-mag-
netic warfare. “When you send
(EPIC) – has been proposed procurement by the Air Force and something to people in the fight of
for funding within the European Navy in 2020, and the High-Speed their lives that just doesn’t work,
Commission’s ASAP program. Low Drag (HSLD) bomb. Gautham, they’ll try it three times and they’ll
another indigenous product, is a
“The ASAP EPIC project is a non-winged bomb that has a range just throw it aside,” he added.
great opportunity to ramp up of 30 kilometres and is capable of
the Enforcer missile production, carrying pre-fragmented or pen- LaPlante suggested that Ukraine
while making it more resilient and etration-blast warheads. Bharat may no longer be interested in the
faster,” said Eric Béranger, CEO Dynamics Ltd (BDL) and the UAE- weapon. “When you send some-
of MBDA. “Series production of based defence technology group thing to people in the fight of their
the Enforcer is now well under EDGE have joined hands to pro- lives that just doesn’t work, they’ll
way and the first deliveries to the duce the Al-Tariq LR long-range try it three times and they’ll just
German Armed Forces will follow. PGM; the PGM, which is capable throw it aside,” said LaPlante.
Also, an export contract has been of striking targets exceeding 120
concluded.” km, is reportedly undergoing trials Other PGMs used by Ukraine in
on a HAL-owned fighter jet. AL the ongoing conflict have also
India Makes Progress Tariq is the first UAE-based PGM failed to deliver the desired results.
manufacturer. According to Jack Watling, an
India’s Defence Research and expert at think-tank RUSI, the tar-
Development Organisation (DRDO) geting system for the GPS-guided
is leading the efforts of its domes- Question Marks Remain Excalibur round dropped from 70
tic defence industry to design and Not everyone is a fan of PGMs. percent effectiveness to 6 percent
manufacture its own PGMs under effectiveness over a matter of a few
the “Make in India” initiative. In Amos Fox, a retired US Army months as Russia confronted it with
September this year, the Indian lieutenant colonel, contended in an its EW capabilities. Other munitions
Army showcased its new UAV essay for the Royal United Services that have been defeated by the
launched precision guided munition Institute, a British think tank, that imaginative use of GPS spoofers
(ULPGM) manufactured by Adani OGMs are not more effective than by Russia are GMLRS missiles
Defence. According to reports, the conventional munitions in limiting and Joint Direct Attack Munitions
first batch of 250 ULPGMs were collateral damage, and in some (JDAMs), both of which are guided
handed over in the first half of the cases can make the damage worse. by GPS. According to reports,
current year. Developed in collab- Fox also questioned the belief that Russia has been using advanced
oration with DRDO, the PGM has a precision strike strategy has actu- jamming capabilities to great effect,
range of four kilometres. Work has ally shortened wars. including some jammers that can
already commenced on the V2 and block GPS signals at ranges of up
V3 variants of the ULPGM. Accurate strikes by PGMs are not to 15 miles..