Page 21 - INDO DEFENCE 2022 - DAY 1
P. 21
NORINCO (China Northern Industrial smoothbore gun, which can engage tar- organizations and several rounds of test
Corporation) is setting its sights on increas- gets with armour-piercing fin-stabilized demonstrations and trials by the military.
ing its market share in the region, backed discarding-sabot (APFSDS) or high explo- NORINCO’s VN22 6 x 6 wheeled armored
by growing Chinese export successes and sive anti-tank cartridges out to ranges of vehicle is one of its newer products. The
strong Government support. NORINCO’s 5km. The MBT is equipped with a stabilized armoured vehicle can survive a blast of 10
VT4 MBT has found several export custom- fire control including cooled thermal imager kilograms TNT and can be used for count-
ers including the Royal Thai Army, Pakistan sights for commander and gunner. It is also er-terrorism and peacekeeping missions,
Army and Nigerian Army and the company fitted with roof-mounted panoramic sights in addition to patrol and reconnaissance
is keen for additional orders for the MBT. and a digital fire control system. The VT4 duties. NORINCO also produces the VN1,
features a Chinese 1200 HP diesel engine VN2 and VN4 wheeled armored vehicles
The company’s VT4 main battle tanks and can travel at a maximum speed of 70 and VP11 mine detection vehicle.
and VT5 light tanks, are mature products kph and a maximum cross-country speed
in international markets. Also known as of 50 kph.
the MBT3000, the VT4 is a made-for-ex- NORINCO is the main supplier of Chinese
port MBT, which made its public debut in A Self-Propelled Howitzer (SPH) has Army weaponry and equipment for land
2014. The Royal Thai Army is thought to also been independently developed by forces. Norinco Group’s 2020 revenues
have more than 50 VT4 MBTs in service. Harbin First Machinery Group Corp, which stood at USD 75 billion. NORINCO manufac-
Pakistan’s VT4 MBTs were displayed at the comes under NORINCO. The new SPH is tures main battle tanks (MBT) and armored
Pakistan Day military parade in Islamabad planned for induction with the Chinese vehicles, unmanned ground vehicles (UGV),
for the first time in March 2021. military and has completed multiple anti-missile, air defence systems, and intel-
The VT4 is equipped with a 125 mm rounds of testing by national certification ligent ammunition.
INDO-DEFENCE 2022 NOVEMBER-02-2022 | 21